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雲道娱乐《规矩RULES(2020 温哥华 CYPHER)歌词》


规矩RULES(2020 温哥华 CYPHER)LRC歌词雲道娱乐专辑规矩RULES(2020 温哥华 CYPHER) 所属公司:【北京太声文化传播有限公司】 语言:【国语】 词作者:【】

Beat by Plan Z

Mix&Mastering by Araz Namavar, Compound Music

Verse1: Plan Z (SHOOC)
I never believed in the prophecy that they came up
I'd rather believed in my 808 than their bullshit
I never accepted the fate that they assigned
Be careful not to get them disease they want you to have
people forgot how to think by themselves
做你自己的决定 PlanZ把你治好
Make your own decision. Let PlanZ fix it for ya
没有种怪自己 只有种怪世道
They don't have the balls to critisize themselves so they blame the world
用着进口的Flow 喊着中国制造
Screaming "Made In China" with a imported flow
无需等待温哥华的雨季 吾乃唤雨者
I dont need the rain season in Vancity still gon mkit rain
All my shooters ready this shit not for entertainment
我的兄弟们都准备好了 这不是闹着玩
No one ever switches we the glitches in the game
没有一个人会变道 我们是这游戏里的作弊码
No one bother checking you the credit in the end
没人有耐心看你 就像没人会看最后的演员
黑头发 黄皮肤 自带能量场
Black hair yellow skinned with the energy
No. 17 复刻林疯狂
No.17 Vintage Linsanity
I see what u don't see not the LSD U tripping
Got them shook like when Jay Chou dropped "Fantasy"

Verse2: Dr. Lyta
Pop two pills take the pain away
吃两粒仙豆 精神抖擞
Smoking everyday never fucked up my memory
Apparently they bet on me, the last second lay-up
他们知道我靠得住 最后一秒出手
Look at me, wow, I ball like one of those Lakers
你知道的 我球风如同24号
PlanZ on the beat yall know who gon ride this
PlanZ的beat响起 你们知道该谁出场了
Pay some homage to my city, salute your highness
致敬雨城 快向陛下行礼
Flow so sick dawg, moonwalk like Michael
行云流水 如同月球漫步
They can't be like you that's why they bite you
他们没法成为你 所以只能抄袭你
Everyone's rapper now but no swag
现在人人都是说唱歌手 但良莠不齐
All they do is chasing clout for their whole life
耗尽一生 只知道追名逐利
I aint tryna run the game, just love to roll dice
我从没想过统治游戏 只是个玩家
Chillin in my presidential suite view so nice
在我的套房里chill 欣赏窗外美景
Now let me tear down those lies
徒有其表的 早就该被汰换
Knock out the fake ones
不是我飞的太高 是你走的太慢
You are just too slow to catch me up
装作和你不熟 是你水平太烂
Pretend not to know you cuz you suck
You know it

Verse3: Credit (拾貳堂)
把作品放上 table then I cook it with some sauce
Put my project on the table then I cook it with some sauce
Credit thats my label got "SUPREME" on my socks
克莱迪特是我的名号 袜子上也挂着supreme
Yea you better stay low cuz all you rappers suck
最后一道防线我坚守 他们都被我拦了下来
I got to protect the last line of defense thats why all you rappers stuck
Rap is my dream
戴上耳机 我终于明白 这是属于我的天职
I put on my headphone and realize homie this is my thing
本文发布在演艺圈门户网,演艺吧,请勿转载.域名 .01月26日00:08番茄台当然也是如此,但在节每个韵脚节拍 都会跪拜朝圣
Everything rhymes and beats will bend kness and say "Oh dear my King"
凛冬将至 让我送来暖气
The winter is coming, Let me bring some heats
我听过那些Rapper的作品 但歌词都不咋地
I listened to those rapper's songs but those all trash
Stop without ant hint
That i can't keep my eyes open cuz I'm high
我只有提起笔 写歌
I only write fire songs
而你 依然一贯的背后 逼逼
But you just talk shit behind me as usual
我从来不怕 你提及
I don't care which rapper is your homie
也没有怕过 你诋毁
All that shit you talk about me in the back
就像是 Tupac 和 Biggie 同理我的身份太离奇
I am just mysterious like Tupac and Biggie
我玩腻了boombap 也玩腻了trap
I got to the top of boombap and trap
等我玩腻了jazz rap 玩 layback
After I got to the top of Jazz Rap I'll start the layback
Then I back to the game ten to the one one to the ten D-A-M-N! I change my flow every time
Gotta get that cheque you gotta pay me
支票拿来 你得付钱
踏平了伴奏 毫不费力
I killed the beats easy peasy
All the haters kneels down it feels not bad
我的手段卑鄙 规避
My means are contemptible, you better run
Nobody can f**k with me

I'ma put ma city on da map ya
Chellas gonna show you how to rap ya
I do the impossible no cap ya
Goals in ma mind got no time to nap ya
有太多的事情要做 没时间休息
I knew where the clout at
不过大众待在北极 他住赤道
They live at the north pole but my mind with that tropical thunder
火不火嘛 他不计较
Blow up or not I don't care
Y'all straight outta of underground
But we straight outta space
致敬 COQ GANG VISA 十二堂和云道
Shout out COQ GANG, VISA, SET and Cloudy Tunnel
把音乐转化成面包的方式 还在寻找
How to turn this music into profit? I'm figureing it out
Let the world know about TCYG while im on the way
Pussy only know how to complain
Bout shit like thay moaning
叫叫叫 我看你只会叫
Keep sayting shit, that're prolly your end
老子看到哗众取宠的样子 只会笑
Everytime I see those clowns i'm gonna laugh at it
噢 这感觉有点燥
Damn this shit is a bit lit
受不住的话 就赶紧滚回家睡觉
If yall can't take it then move your ass home

Verse5: 气电男孩 (雲道)
以前的New bee变成Local
I turned dreams in to reality
带着兄弟们赚钱 从不会收手
Making that money with my homies non stop wont stop
每天都在派对 行尸走肉
Party everyday like a walking dead
你 不服可以单挑
You can solo me if you disagree
赚着真金白银 立下方圆规矩
Make some paper and made my own rules
各行各业 我们互相帮助
We got each others back all the time
不再工作 每天就只看账目
I don't have to work no more, gotta stare at my revenue
内行的兄弟 都喜欢叫我堂主
All the homies love to call me MasterGreen
I used to work hard motherf?$%er
我也曾摸爬滚打过 兄弟
Now I ball out motherfucker
现在我花的起 兄弟
I used to driving Civic motherf?$%er
我以前开辆思域 兄弟
Now I TYPE R motherfucker
台CCTV-3综艺频道举行。经过八天的比拼,《钱不是问题》获得相声组最佳作品奖、《快《首届中国相声小品大赛》公安民警首登大赛舞台环球网2018年10月05日16:01昨晚(10月4日)19:30,《首现在思域变R形态 兄弟
前年还在住地下室 可是现在房子有两间
I turnt that small basement to two houses
要想尽办法 所有事情做两遍
Got plan B on everything i do
城市瘫痪 只要我休息两天
If I'm off for two days the city will go down
干垮他们 只需要一条朋友圈
Taking them down only takes my one post on IG

Verse6: 張卍寶SEAN ZH. (雲道)
Bought flight tickets back to Vancity
抱歉妈妈 这次 不能保持低调
Sorry mama can't stay low key this time
They want me to participate those TV shows
It's unnecessary
看我们打下的山河 果然不出我的意料
Look we made it as I expected
Put a mark on target
做人low key 作品保持高调
I am a humble person but my sh!ts are loud
我们给你顶级货 你给我们钞票
You gotta pay us for our good sh!t
Not a doctor I'm losing patients
Antivirus pray for my nation
抗击病毒 为我的国家祈祷
Blaze and alcohol perfect combination
如香烟和酒精 似绝代双骄
We humble but you don't wanna fuck with Asians
我们亚洲人很和善 但别在太岁头上动土
谈吐优雅 但燥起来如地毯轰炸
Behave high class party like basement
Shoutout to the young bloods
We are all the same here
这趟水太深 帮你试试水温
Testing water for y’all since this industry is complicated
传播速度太快 列治文到北温
This song gonna go viral fast all over the world

Verse7: Timmie (VI$A)
Eenie meenie miney moe
三 二 一 开始倒数
Vansquad straight up turn up
温哥华团队 起飞盘旋
倒数 三 二 一
Eenie meenie miney moe
Vansqua straight up turn up
温哥华团队 如同火箭升空
Vancity 冲出 Van City Ya
温哥华城 挣脱枷锁
我们的曲目小样 出现多家媒体平台
Our demos like diamonds
We won't stop ya
门外好多 排队等待的软蛋
Pussy still line up out there
There is no time to wait wait wait
Vancity Raincouver Squad are taking off
雨城如空中堡垒 已经飞了飞了飞了
看着我的手表时间 快到行程准备溜
Check out my watch, right on time
下一步的计划 温哥华就要霸占北美洲
Next step, Let Vancity represent NA
shout out to my VISA shout out to Plan Z
致敬我的厂牌VISA 致敬普兰兹一
出来五年了 家人好奇我的成长
Got here for five years and my family wonders what I 've see
Hiphop in Vancity so we take a beat
说唱之魂 融汇雨城的节奏
不管身处哪里 我们一定会继续
We won't stop wherever we are

Verse8: Scope (雲道)
Before the corona-virus I had a mask on
在病毒爆发前 我就戴上了口罩
been sicker than most
Yella had to transform
Yella had to start a fire turn it to a platform
Put the city on your back, might break your backbone
我以身为舟身负这座城 千钧之下几乎压断脊梁骨
the N95s don't protect me from the people back home
Tryna throw shame on a yella
Tryna talk down on my name
Talk down where i came?
犯我者 虽远必诛
NO I will not fold
I will not do what Im told
They cannot break me my soul made of gold, yeah
他们能奈我何 我的灵魂如烈火真金
I finna make it no supporting role, yeah
不再是配角 横行江湖
Red pill or Blue pill shit I am the one
不论红蓝药丸 吾乃天选之子
One love to my cloudy bros, here is the sun
云雾里的兄弟们 这道阳光将破除魔障
One step for my yella kind
黄皮肤 一步一个脚印
til death, leave no yella behind
不会落下任何一人 至死不渝

Put it up for the city
604 you know what it is
Don't ask me what our plan is
We don't have one
We goin in
Keep Grinding

雲道娱乐《规矩RULES(2020 温哥华 CYPHER)LRC歌词》

[00:02.39]Beat by Plan Z
[00:05.46]Mix&Mastering by Araz Namavar, Compound Music
[00:09.68]Verse1: Plan Z (SHOOC)
[00:10.52]I never believed in the prophecy that they came up
[00:12.95]I'd rather believed in my 808 than their bullshit
[00:15.43]I never accepted the fate that they assigned
[00:17.87]Be careful not to get them disease they want you to have
[00:20.02]people forgot how to think by themselves
[00:22.11]做你自己的决定 PlanZ把你治好
[00:22.44]Make your own decision. Let PlanZ fix it for ya
[00:24.51]没有种怪自己 只有种怪世道
[00:24.78]They don't have the balls to critisize themselves so they blame the world
[00:26.95]用着进口的Flow 喊着中国制造
[00:27.21]Screaming "Made In China" with a imported flow
[00:29.70]无需等待温哥华的雨季 吾乃唤雨者
[00:29.93]I dont need the rain season in Vancity still gon mkit rain
[00:32.14]All my shooters ready this shit not for entertainment
[00:32.43]我的兄弟们都准备好了 这不是闹着玩
[00:34.54]No one ever switches we the glitches in the game
[00:34.76]没有一个人会变道 我们是这游戏里的作弊码
[00:36.97]No one bother checking you the credit in the end
[00:37.21]没人有耐心看你 就像没人会看最后的演员表
[00:39.34]黑头发 黄皮肤 自带能量场
[00:39.62]Black hair yellow skinned with the energy
[00:41.84]No. 17 复刻林疯狂
[00:42.05]No.17 Vintage Linsanity
[00:44.07]I see what u don't see not the LSD U tripping
[00:46.26]Got them shook like when Jay Chou dropped "Fantasy"
[00:48.35]Verse2: Dr. Lyta
[00:48.61]Pop two pills take the pain away
[00:48.78]吃两粒仙豆 精神抖擞
[00:50.29]Smoking everyday never fucked up my memory
[00:52.64]Apparently they bet on me, the last second lay-up
[00:52.88]他们知道我靠得住 最后一秒出手
[00:55.16]Look at me, wow, I ball like one of those Lakers
[00:55.42]你知道的 我球风如同24号
[00:58.14]PlanZ on the beat yall know who gon ride this
[00:58.38]PlanZ的beat响起 你们知道该谁出场了
[01:00.30]Pay some homage to my city, salute your highness
[01:00.54]致敬雨城 快向陛下行礼
[01:02.99]Flow so sick dawg, moonwalk like Michael
[01:03.25]行云流水 如同月球漫步
[01:05.44]They can't be like you that's why they bite you
[01:05.67]他们没法成为你 所以只能抄袭你
[01:07.90]Everyone's rapper now but no swag
[01:08.16]现在人人都是说唱歌手 但良莠不齐
[01:10.03]All they do is chasing clout for their whole life
[01:10.29]耗尽一生 只知道追名逐利
[01:12.16]I aint tryna run the game, just love to roll dice
[01:12.57]我从没想过统治游戏 只是个玩家
[01:14.57]Chillin in my presidential suite view so nice
[01:14.82]在我的套房里chill 欣赏窗外美景
[01:17.83]Now let me tear down those lies
[01:19.39]徒有其表的 早就该被汰换
[01:19.64]Knock out the fake ones
[01:21.72]不是我飞的太高 是你走的太慢
[01:21.100]You are just too slow to catch me up
[01:24.27]装作和你不熟 是你水平太烂
[01:24.53]Pretend not to know you cuz you suck
[01:26.53]You know it
[01:27.38]Verse3: Credit (拾貳堂)
[01:27.63]把作品放上 table then I cook it with some sauce
[01:27.87]Put my project on the table then I cook it with some sauce
[01:29.70]Credit thats my label got "SUPREME" on my socks
[01:29.94]克莱迪特是我的名号 袜子上也挂着supreme
[01:32.13]Yea you better stay low cuz all you rappers suck
[01:34.54]最后一道防线我坚守 他们都被我拦了下来
[01:34.77]I got to protect the last line of defense thats why all you rappers stuck
[01:36.99]Rap is my dream
[01:37.89]戴上耳机 我终于明白 这是属于我的天职
[01:38.09]I put on my headphone and realize homie this is my thing
[01:40.35]每个韵脚节拍 都会跪拜朝圣
[01:40.57]Everything rhymes and beats will bend kness and say "Oh dear my King"
[01:42.77]凛冬将至 让我送来暖气
[01:42.100]The winter is coming, Let me bring some heats
[01:44.44]我听过那些Rapper的作品 但歌词都不咋地
[01:44.68]I listened to those rapper's songs but those all trash
[01:46.96]Stop without ant hint
[01:48.07]That i can't keep my eyes open cuz I'm high
[01:49.02]我只有提起笔 写歌
[01:49.24]I only write fire songs
[01:50.33]而你 依然一贯的背后 逼逼
[01:50.50]But you just talk shit behind me as usual
[01:51.47]我从来不怕 你提及
[01:51.69]I don't care which rapper is your homie
[01:52.68]也没有怕过 你诋毁
[01:52.91]All that shit you talk about me in the back
[01:53.91]就像是 Tupac 和 Biggie 同理我的身份太离奇
[01:54.14]I am just mysterious like Tupac and Biggie
[01:56.31]我玩腻了boombap 也玩腻了trap
[01:56.54]I got to the top of boombap and trap
[01:57.10]等我玩腻了jazz rap 玩 layback
[01:57.26]After I got to the top of Jazz Rap I'll start the layback
[01:57.59]Then I back to the game ten to the one one to the ten D-A-M-N! I change my flow every time
[02:01.85]Gotta get that cheque you gotta pay me
[02:02.04]支票拿来 你得付钱
[02:02.70]踏平了伴奏 毫不费力
[02:02.89]I killed the beats easy peasy
[02:03.84]All the haters kneels down it feels not bad
[02:04.43]我的手段卑鄙 规避
[02:04.60]My means are contemptible, you better run
[02:05.10]Nobody can f**k with me
[02:09.07]Verse4: ZOEL (TC¥G, COQ GANG)
[02:09.26]I'ma put ma city on da map ya
[02:11.22]Chellas gonna show you how to rap ya
[02:13.65]I do the impossible no cap ya
[02:16.02]Goals in ma mind got no time to nap ya
[02:16.22]有太多的事情要做 没时间休息
[02:18.76]I knew where the clout at
[02:20.31]不过大众待在北极 他住赤道
[02:20.52]They live at the north pole but my mind with that tropical thunder
[02:23.28]火不火嘛 他不计较
[02:23.55]Blow up or not I don't care
[02:25.41]Y'all straight outta of underground
[02:26.53]But we straight outta space
[02:28.22]致敬 COQ GANG VISA 十二堂和云道
[02:28.44]Shout out COQ GANG, VISA, SET and Cloudy Tunnel
[02:30.56]把音乐转化成面包的方式 还在寻找
[02:30.82]How to turn this music into profit? I'm figureing it out
[02:33.32]Let the world know about TCYG while im on the way
[02:35.72]Pussy only know how to complain
[02:36.93]Bout shit like thay moaning
[02:37.90]叫叫叫 我看你只会叫
[02:38.17]Keep sayting shit, that're prolly your end
[02:39.74]老子看到哗众取宠的样子 只会笑
[02:39.100]Everytime I see those clowns i'm gonna laugh at it
[02:42.75]噢 这感觉有点燥
[02:42.98]Damn this shit is a bit lit
[02:44.56]受不住的话 就赶紧滚回家睡觉
[02:44.82]If yall can't take it then move your ass home
[02:47.42]Verse5: 气电男孩 (雲道)
[02:48.32]以前的New bee变成Local
[02:48.52]I turned dreams in to reality
[02:50.27]带着兄弟们赚钱 从不会收手
[02:50.49]Making that money with my homies non stop wont stop
[02:52.66]每天都在派对 行尸走肉
[02:52.89]Party everyday like a walking dead
[02:55.79]你 不服可以单挑
[02:56.02]You can solo me if you disagree
[02:57.65]赚着真金白银 立下方圆规矩
[02:57.90]Make some paper and made my own rules
[02:59.100]各行各业 我们互相帮助
[03:00.23]We got each others back all the time
[03:02.48]不再工作 每天就只看账目
[03:02.70]I don't have to work no more, gotta stare at my revenue
[03:04.81]内行的兄弟 都喜欢叫我堂主
[03:05.03]All the homies love to call me MasterGreen
[03:07.58]I used to work hard motherf?$%er
[03:07.80]我也曾摸爬滚打过 兄弟
[03:09.80]Now I ball out motherfucker
[03:09.100]现在我花的起 兄弟
[03:12.09]I used to driving Civic motherf?$%er
[03:12.33]我以前开辆思域 兄弟
[03:14.48]Now I TYPE R motherfucker
[03:14.74]现在思域变R形态 兄弟
[03:16.77]前年还在住地下室 可是现在房子有两间
[03:17.01]I turnt that small basement to two houses
[03:19.33]要想尽办法 所有事情做两遍
[03:19.53]Got plan B on everything i do
[03:21.81]城市瘫痪 只要我休息两天
[03:22.01]If I'm off for two days the city will go down
[03:24.26]干垮他们 只需要一条朋友圈
[03:24.50]Taking them down only takes my one post on IG
[03:35.93]Verse6: 張卍寶SEAN ZH. (雲道)
[03:36.64]Bought flight tickets back to Vancity
[03:38.76]抱歉妈妈 这次 不能保持低调
[03:38.99]Sorry mama can't stay low key this time
[03:41.43]They want me to participate those TV shows
[03:45.06]It's unnecessary
[03:46.07]看我们打下的山河 果然不出我的意料
[03:46.31]Look we made it as I expected
[03:48.46]Put a mark on target
[03:50.90]做人low key 作品保持高调
[03:51.15]I am a humble person but my sh!ts are loud
[03:53.01]我们给你顶级货 你给我们钞票
[03:53.29]You gotta pay us for our good sh!t
[03:55.76]Not a doctor I'm losing patients
[03:58.24]Antivirus pray for my nation
[03:58.49]抗击病毒 为我的国家祈祷
[04:00.55]Blaze and alcohol perfect combination
[04:00.79]如香烟和酒精 似绝代双骄
[04:02.87]We humble but you don't wanna fuck with Asians
[04:03.11]我们亚洲人很和善 但别在太岁头上动土
[04:05.45]谈吐优雅 但燥起来如地毯轰炸
[04:05.69]Behave high class party like basement
[04:07.53]Shoutout to the young bloods
[04:09.90]We are all the same here
[04:10.66]这趟水太深 帮你试试水温
[04:10.86]Testing water for y’all since this industry is complicated
[04:12.40]传播速度太快 列治文到北温
[04:12.65]This song gonna go viral fast all over the world
[04:15.21]Verse7: Timmie (VI$A)
[04:15.53]Eenie meenie miney moe
[04:15.80]三 二 一 开始倒数
[04:17.90]Vansquad straight up turn up
[04:18.20]温哥华团队 起飞盘旋
[04:19.98]倒数 三 二 一
[04:20.25]Eenie meenie miney moe
[04:22.76]Vansqua straight up turn up
[04:23.07]温哥华团队 如同火箭升空
[04:25.18]Vancity 冲出 Van City Ya
[04:25.46]温哥华城 挣脱枷锁
[04:27.59]我们的曲目小样 出现多家媒体平台
[04:27.85]Our demos like diamonds
[04:30.26]We won't stop ya
[04:32.39]门外好多 排队等待的软蛋
[04:32.68]Pussy still line up out there
[04:34.77]There is no time to wait wait wait
[04:36.38]Vancity Raincouver Squad are taking off
[04:36.67]雨城如空中堡垒 已经飞了飞了飞了
[04:39.10]看着我的手表时间 快到行程准备溜
[04:39.38]Check out my watch, right on time
[04:41.25]下一步的计划 温哥华就要霸占北美洲
[04:41.53]Next step, Let Vancity represent NA
[04:44.03]shout out to my VISA shout out to Plan Z
[04:44.25]致敬我的厂牌VISA 致敬普兰兹一
[04:46.12]出来五年了 家人好奇我的成长
[04:46.33]Got here for five years and my family wonders what I 've see
[04:48.49]Hiphop in Vancity so we take a beat
[04:48.68]说唱之魂 融汇雨城的节奏
[04:50.79]不管身处哪里 我们一定会继续
[04:51.02]We won't stop wherever we are
[04:53.95]Verse8: Scope (雲道)
[04:54.21]Before the corona-virus I had a mask on
[04:54.47]在病毒爆发前 我就戴上了口罩
[04:56.33]been sicker than most
[04:57.80]Yella had to transform
[04:59.06]Yella had to start a fire turn it to a platform
[05:01.17]Put the city on your back, might break your backbone
[05:01.42]我以身为舟身负这座城 千钧之下几乎压断脊梁骨
[05:03.84]the N95s don't protect me from the people back home
[05:07.07]Tryna throw shame on a yella
[05:08.72]Tryna talk down on my name
[05:10.97]Talk down where i came?
[05:12.59]犯我者 虽远必诛
[05:13.80]NO I will not fold
[05:15.39]I will not do what Im told
[05:17.18]They cannot break me my soul made of gold, yeah
[05:17.44]他们能奈我何 我的灵魂如烈火真金
[05:20.23]I finna make it no supporting role, yeah
[05:20.46]不再是配角 横行江湖
[05:22.61]Red pill or Blue pill shit I am the one
[05:22.84]不论红蓝药丸 吾乃天选之子
[05:24.97]One love to my cloudy bros, here is the sun
[05:25.16]云雾里的兄弟们 这道阳光将破除魔障
[05:27.91]One step for my yella kind
[05:28.14]黄皮肤 一步一个脚印
[05:30.35]til death, leave no yella behind
[05:30.59]不会落下任何一人 至死不渝
[05:33.51]Put it up for the city
[05:35.78]604 you know what it is
[05:38.16]Don't ask me what our plan is
[05:40.51]We don't have one
[05:43.08]We goin in
[05:44.69]Keep Grinding

雲道娱乐 规矩RULES(2020 温哥华 CYPHER)歌词 手机版

雲道娱乐 规矩RULES(2020 温哥华 CYPHER)LRC歌词 手机版






