【词集】纯英文-全英文 《Heart of Blue and Phantom Gold》

更新时间:2024/9/19 1:26:56

Blue and Phantom Gold
Blue and Phantom Gold
By:Mad Vincent
Monday, May 9th, 2016
9:22PM Shalang

I have an indie soul
And folk hearts
I wish I didn't have Van Gogh's sorrow
But his art
I feel John Smith's loneliness
But I have just arrived
So why do I feel like
I have two old weary broken hearts

Oh my world is coloured with blue
本文发布在演艺圈门户网,演艺吧,请勿转载.域名www.yanyi8.com .小品大赛》和《相声有新人》这两档栏目?乐乐带你看小说2018年10月14日And phantom gold
All my happiness flew
To live in the better days of old

Just don't just don't fall in love
With every stranger with a heart
Just don't just don't fall in love
With every smile you ever saw

I have a timid soul
And weary hearts
I wish I didn't have Van Gogh's blue
Just his love
I feel the doctor's solitude
Doesn't that seem strange to you
讲小花的娱乐2020年01月24日23:00还是暗中嘲讽,受罪的终究是家里的两个男人,本来可以幸福的一个家庭,或许就因为自己赌气,严重的话,就可能家破人亡,轻则夫妻信任感下降,都有坏处,虽然小品搞笑,why do I feel like
My two hearts are too ill for love

Oh my world is coloured with blue
And phantom gold
All my happiness flew
To live in stories better told

Just don't just don't fall in love
With every single beating heart
Just don't just don't fall in love
With every smile you ever saw




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