
更新时间:2024/4/25 18:36:24

英文片名: The Terminator

中文片名: 未来战士 魔鬼终结者

上映: 1985



                                  James Cameron

  Registered WGAw

  Fourth Draft

  April 20, 1983



  A1      TITLE SEQUENCE - SLITSCAN EFFECT                       A1

  1       EXT. SCHOOLYARD - NIGHT                                1

          Silence.  Gradually the sound of distant traffic becomes

          audible.  A LOW ANGLE bounded on one side by a chain-link

          fence and on the other by the one-story public school build-

          ings.  Spray-can hieroglyphics and distant streetlight sha-

          dows.  This is a Los Angeles public school in a blue collar


          ANGLE BETWEEN SCHOOL BUILDINGS, where a trash dumpster looms

          in a LOW ANGLE, part of the clutter behind the gymnasium.

          A CAT enters FRAME.  CAMERA DOLLIES FORWARD, prowling with

          him through the landscape of trash receptacles and shadows.

          CLOSE ON CAT, which freezes, alert, sensing something just

          beyond human perception.

          A sourceless wind rises, and with it a keening WHINE.

          Papers blow across the pavement.

          The cat YOWLS and hides under the dumpster.

          Windows rattle in their frames.

          The WHINE intensifies, accompanied now by a wash of frigid

          PURPLE LIGHT.  A CONCUSSION like a thunderclap right over-

          head blows in all the windows facing the yard.

          C.U. - CAT, its eyes are wide as the glare dies.

  1A/FX   ANGLE - DUMPSTER                                       1A/FX

          ELECTRICAL DISCHARGES arc from the dumpster to a water

          faucet and climb a drain pipe like a Jacob's Ladder.

                                                CUT TO:

  2       EXT. SCHOOLYARD - NIGHT                                2

          SLOW PAN as the sound of stray electrical CRACKLING subsides.

          FRAME comes to rest on the figure of a NAKED MAN kneeling,

          faced away, in the previously empty yard.

          He stands, slowly.

          The man is in his late thirties, tall and powerfully built,

          moving with graceful precision.

          C.U. - MAN, his facial features reiterate the power of his

          body and are dominated by the eyes, which are intense, blue

          and depthless.  His hair is military short.

          This man is the TERMINATOR.

          He glances down, taking calm inventory of himself, and

          notices that a fine white ash covers his skin.  He brushes

          at it unconcernedly as he walks toward the fence, scanning

          his surroundings.

                                                CUT TO:

  2A/FX   CRANE SHOT - SCHOOLYARD/CITY - NIGHT                   2A/FX

          CAMERA MOVES UP as Terminator approaches the schoolyard fence

          beyond which is an embankment rolling down in darkness to the

          cityscape below.  The school is perched at the edge of a pro-

          montory offering a respectable view of the urban sprawl teem-

          ing and glistening under a sullen sky.  The night clouds are

          shot through with occasional flashes of LIGHTNING, presaging

          a thunderstorm.

          Terminator stands, hands on hips in prefect symmetry, gazing

          down at the city as the CAMERA REACHES FULL HEIGHT.

                                                CUT TO:

  3       EXT. PLAYGROUND - NIGHT                               3

          A beer bottle SMASHES on the ground.  PULL BACK to include

          its ex-owner and his two compatriots, YOUTH GANG MEMBERS,

          lounging on the jungle gym of a deserted playground.  They

          sport nondescript PUNK REGALIA...torn T-shirts, fatigue

          pants, combat boots or high-top sneakers, leather jackets.

          The leader notices something and sits up.



                       Hey, hey...what's wrong with

                       this picture?

          ANGLE - REVERSE, seen past the lounging toughs, Terminator

          walks naked into a pool of streetlight, striding purpose-

          fully toward them.

          ANGLE - OVER TERMINATOR'S SHOULDER, as he approaches them.

          They slide from their perches and drop easily to the ground

          liquid shadows.


                       Nice night for a walk, eh?

          Terminator stops right in front of them.


                             (without inflec-


                        Nice night for a walk.

          They surround him, all swagger and malign good humor.

                                  SECOND PUNK

                        Washday tomorrow, huh?  Nothing

                        clean, right?

          Terminator eyes them without expression, unhurried.



                        Nothing clean.  Right.


                        This guy's a couple bricks


          Terminator turn to the second punk, ignoring the



                        Your clothes.  Give them to me.

          The punks exchange glances, dismayed.




                                  SECOND PUNK


                        Fuck you, asshole.

          Without warning Terminator hammer-punches him in the temple

          with blinding speed.  The blow flings him with a CLANG into

          the jungle gym.  He drops to the ground in a still heap,

          eyes open, twitching.

          The leader whips out his SWITCHBLADE and slashes in one

          motion.  Terminator ducks back and catches the knife-

          wielder's wrist in an inhuman grip.  Then he punches the

          leader with piledriver force just below the breastbone.

          ANGLE - PAVEMENT, as the knife clatters down.  The punk's

          combat boots are on tiptoe, barely touching the ground.

          ANGLE - TWO SHOT, Terminator and the leader are close

          together as if dancing, but motionless.  Their bodies are in

          total shadow.  The punk's eyes are wide, his veins distended

          with an agonizing pressure.  Terminator jerks his fist back

          with a WET SOUND and the other drops OUT OF FRAME.

          The last tough is stumbling away, gaping with terror.  He

          backs into a chainlink fence, turns to run along it, finds

          he is in a corner.

          Terminator takes a step toward him, his gaze ominous.

          The punk begins shakily stripping off his clothes.

          Thunder peals overhead.

                                                 CUT TO:

  4       EXT. STREET/NEARBY - NIGHT                             4

          A light RAIN begins to fall.

          Terminator emerges onto the street from the playground,

          pausing in the pool of light under a streetlight to hike

          the collar of the punk's jacket.

                 The rain streams down over his face, running into

          and over his eyes.  They do not blink.

                                                 CUT TO:

  5       EXT. DOWNTOWN STREET/ALLEY - NIGHT                     5

          Another part of the city.  Seedy apartments and storefronts.

          The streets glisten, hissing with sporadic late night traffic.

          SLOW PAN AND DOLLY into the mouth of a narrow alley lined
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          with trash containers and fire escapes.  From a recessed

          doorway, two filthy legs sprawl out onto the wet pavement.

          An angry, inarticulate DRUNKARD'S MONOLOGUE rises occasionally

          above the rain sounds.

          ANGLE - DOORWAY,  The derelict rouses from his bitter stupor

          as a brilliant purple glare lights up the wet brickwork

          around him.  A shockwave hurls trash into the air.

          Painted over windows shatter.

          Rat scurry, blinded.

          A FIGURE drops INTO FRAME as if out of the sky and smacks

          the pavement with a muddy splash.

          C.U. - DERELICT, as he blinks at the fading glare, amazed.

          A NAKED MAN, compact and muscular, rises in a defensive

          crouch.  KYLE REESE is 22, but his face has been aged by

          ordeal, the mouth hard, eyes grim.  A crinkled burn scar

          traverses one side of his face from chin to forehead.  Other

          scars, from burns and bullets, mar his hard-muscled body.

          The rain washes a fine coating of white ash from his skin

          as electrical ARCS lace back and forth between the fire

          escapes behind him, HISSING and SPUTTERING.  The sound

          fades, then stops altogether, to be replaced by a rising

          scream of animal agony.

          Reese lurches to his feet and sprints across the alley.

                                                 CUT TO:

  5A/FX   OMITTED                                                5A/FX

  6       OMITTED                                                6

  7       EXT. FIRE ESCAPE - NIGHT                               7

          CAMERA MOVES WITH REESE as he leaps to the fire escape and

          clambers up to the first landing to crouch beside another

          NAKED MAN who appears to be entangled in the ironwork.  The

          man is contorted with pain as his screams die to a shivering

          gasp.  CLOSER ANGLE reveals that he has been skewered through

          the abdomen by the horizontal iron slats and through the

          shoulder by a railing.  He has materialized in the same

          space occupied by the fire escape structure.  The figure

          slumps, motionless.

          Reese quickly checks for signs of life.  The man is dead.

          Reese descend to the alley floor and crosses to the drunk

          huddled in the doorway.

          A pair of flamboyantly dressed women, obviously working

          girls, passes by the alley mouth.  They do a double take

          when they see Reese, but walk on without breaking stride,

          completely jaded.  He's certainly not a potential customer.

          Reese crouches down as if to speak to the drunk.


                        Say, buddy...did you see a

                        real bright light?

                                                 CUT TO:

  8       EXT. ALLEY/SAME - NIGHT                                8

          A brilliant white glare stabs into the alley mouth as an

          LAPD cruiser glides slowly by on the street.  The search-

          light illuminates the figure of Reese, crouching over the

          sprawled drunk, just pulling on the other's trousers.

          The cruiser chirps to a stop.  The doors fly open and two

          cops leap out.

                                  FIRST COP

                        Hold it, right there!

          Reese hitches his pants and bolt like a shot.  The cops

          draw their guns and race into the alley after him.

          HANDHELD CAMERA or PANAGLIDE, rushing with Reese along the

          narrow alley.  He vaults a pile of tumbled trashcans.

          Whips around a corner.  Leaps the hood of a parked car in

          the cross alley.

          PANAGLIDE PRECEDING COPS, as they snake through the night


                                                 CUT TO:

  9       EXT. CROSS ALLEY - NIGHT                               9

          PANAGLIDE WITH REESE as he hits a chain link gate at a

          dead run and scrambles over it.

  10      EXT. ALLEY JUNCTION - NIGHT                            10

          WHIP PAN ON COPS, skidding to a stop at the corner in time

          to see Reese vault the fence.  They separate.

          DOLLY WITH SECOND COP, as he runs to the gate.

                                                 CUT TO:

  11      EXT. ALLEY/NEARBY - NIGHT                              11

          LOW PANAGLIDE WITH REESE, running full tilt, displaying

          incredible agility.

          REESE'S POV, the alley walls blur by.  The view of a hot-

          wired rat in an urban maze.

          C.U. - REESE, CAMERA hugging him as he sprints and turns,

          alternately front-lit, side-lit and silhouetted as the

          electric glare of the city wheels about him.

          ANGLE - ALLEY MOUTH, Reese flashes though intermittent

          cross-lighting in the B.G.

          Another unit arrives out front and Reese melts back into

          the alley, only to see a cop round the corner behind him.

          Sandwiched.  Reese crashes into a steel door, rending the

          lock, and vanishes into the darkness within.

          The newly arrived cops are a K-9 unit.  They open the back

          door of the squad car to release a large black Doberman.

                                                 CUT TO:

  12      INT. DEPARTMENT STORE - NIGHT                          12

          Reese finds himself among the display racks of a discount

          department store.  A searchlight stabs in the front

          window as he dashes into the maze of aisles.

          Three cops enter behind him through the shattered door.

          FAST PANAGLIDE WITH REESE, as he crab-runs low among the

          moving shadows where flashlights quarter the darkness.  He

          bolts the open space behind a display window.  Sees the

          outside searchlight sweep toward him.  Freezes.

          ANGLE - REESE, his feral face frozen among the smooth-

          featured, smiling mannequins.  As the light passes, Reese

          silently moves on.

          ANGLE - COP, passing the end of a long aisle B.G. while in

          the F.G. a hand ENTERS FRAME, removing a knit shirt from a

          hanger.  Reese slips the shirt on quietly and does a fast

          crab-walk across the aisles to melt into the other racks

          and shadows, CAMERA MOVING LOW with him.

                                                 CUT TO:

  13      INT. DEPARTMENT STORE/AISLE - NIGHT                    13

          With a shocking GROWL the police dog hurtles out of the

          shadows, LEAPING RIGHT AT CAMERA.

          ANGLE - REESE AND DOG, a dark blur with teeth, extremely

          Doberman, flies toward Reese.  He spins.  Catches it by

          the throat in mid-air. Arcs it to the floor with unflinching


          C.U. - DOBERMAN, suddenly on its back and held by the throat,

          THE DOG YELPS and stares at Reese, who leans very close.

          Inches from its eyes he fixes it with a gaze of uncompromis-

          ing dominance.  Some ancient communication seems to pass

          between the two.

          Reese releases the animal and turns his back on it, selecting

          a long overcoat from a rack.  The dog backs away from him,

          stiff-legged and confused.

                                                 CUT TO:

  14      INT. DEPARTMENT STORE - NIGHT                          14

          TRACKING WITH REESE as he rounds a corner on the run, still

          shrugging into his long coat.

          Running smack at him is another cop, gun aimed.

          Without slowing, Reese leaps toward him, twisting in mid-air

          like a cat.  The cop FIRES. Misses.  Goes down under Reese's

          tackle and they slide together on the polished floor.

          Before they even come to rest Reese snatches the cop's gun,

          aiming it at the other's face two-handed.


                        What day is it?  The date...


                        Thursday...uh...May twelfth.



                        What year?

          A SHOT whines off the metal side of an escalator behind

          Reese's head.  He vaults the escalator rail, leaving the

          amazed cop lying on the floor.

          Reese bounds up the frozen steps, pocketing the .38 Police
          Special in his coat.

          Cops dash through the maze of aisles, converging at the


                                                 CUT TO:


          WHIP PANNING WITH REESE, as he hurtles between displays.

          He stops for a moment beside a rack of shoes.  Slaps one of

          a pair of tennis shoes sole-to-sole against his bare foot.

          Too small.  Another.  Holding the shoes he runs on.

                                                 CUT TO:


          A door opens quietly and Reese slips out.

          CAMERA TRACKS WITH HIM as he moves like a panther along the

          narrow catwalk.  TILT DOWN to include the first LAPD cruiser

          parked at the mouth of the alley.

                                                 CUT TO:

  17      EXT. ALLEY/STREET - NIGHT                              17

          Reese drops cat-like beside the unattended police car.

          Cautiously, he opens the door of the cruiser, removes the

          RIOT GUN, an Ithaca pump model, from the dash rack and slips

          it under his coat.  Cradled in a vertical position, the

          shortened weapon is virtually invisible.

          He walks out onto the street and away,  unhurriedly, an

          innocuous pedestrian soon lost in the rain.

                                                 CUT TO:

  18      EXT. STREET/NEARBY - NIGHT                             18

          Reese enters a telephone booth.  Harsh light rakes across

          his face, outlining the long scar.  He opens the directory,

          leafs through it.

          ANGLE - MACRO ON PAGE, Reese's finger slides down a column.

          Stops beside the following listings in the big metropolitan

          white pages:

          CONNOR, SARAH


          CONNOR, SARAH J.

                                                 DISSOLVE TO:

  19      EXT. CITY STREET - MORNING                             19

          The night's rain has given way to a typical L.A. morning

          of diffuse sunlight.

          MOVING WITH A GIRL on a MOPED as she zips through traffic.

          SARAH CONNER is 19, small and delicate-featured.  Pretty in

          a flawed, accessible way. She doesn't stop the party when

          she walks in, but you'd like to get to know her.  Her vulner-

          able quality masks a strength even she doesn't know exists.

          Sarah maneuvers nimbly, apparently in a hurry.

                                                 CUT TO:

  20      EXT. BIG BOB'S RESTRAUNT - DAY                         20

          Sarah buzzes into the parking lot of Big Bob's Family

          Restaurant and chains the moped to the icon of Big Bob

          himself.  The fiberglass cherub holds up his mammoth

          hamburger in perpetual homage to whatever deity watches

          out for fat kids.

          Sarah removes a stack of college textbooks from the luggage

          carrier and tuns to go into the restaurant.


                             (to Big Bob)

                        Watch this for me, big buns.

                                                 CUT TO:

  21      INT. BIG BOB'S/DINING AREA                             21

          HIGH WIDE SHOT prominently featuring a VIDEO SURVEILLANCE

          CAMERA F.G. as Sarah enters below.  She passes under another

          video eye as she crosses the main floor of the wholesomely

          appointed eatery.  Sarah goes through the swinging STAFF

          doors under a third camera.

                                                  CUT TO:

  22      INT. MANAGER'S OFFICE                                  22

          The office is closet-like, lit by the glow of several

          security monitors.  CHUCK BREEN, day manager, pimply and

          officious,watches Sarah in an overhead view of the service

          corridor.  He punches a switch and reaches for a microphone

          on a studio gooseneck.

                                                 CUT TO:

  23      INT. SERVICE CORRIDOR                                  23

          Sarah glances up as Breen's voice rasps from a ceiling speaker.

                                  BREEN (V.O.)


          She answers the empty hallway.


                        Yes, Chuck?


                        Come to the office, please.

          She turns back toward the office door at the end of the


                                                 CUT TO:

  24      MANAGER'S OFFICE                                       24

          Sarah opens the door to Breen's closet control center.


                        Mission control to Chuck,

                        come in...


                             (without looking


                        You're late.

          Sarah is undaunted.


                        Aren't I worth waiting for?


                        Not really.  Do you think you

                        can get here on time if I put

                        you on the floor as a waitress?



                        I don't know.  I kinda had

                        my heart set on being a

                        cashier the rest of my life.


                        The pay's the same but you'll

                        make more in tips.


                        Thanks, Chuck.  I need the

                        money.  Can I still work the

                        hours around my classes?

          Breen turns to punch up a display on the restaurant's

          small accounting computer.  Sarah looks over his shoulder

          as he modifies the week's schedule.


                        Mmm.  Same schedule's okay.





                        Can you handle it?


                        It's not brain surgery,









