
更新时间:2024/6/7 4:27:44

  ******************* STAR TREK:  Generations SCRIPT! ******************


  1       EXT. SPACE (VFX-I)      1

  A vast and sparkling starfield. A pinpoint of light appears and starts
  moving toward the camera. A small and distant cylindrical object
  tumbling end over end, but we can't determine exactly what it is yet.

  2       EXT. WHEATFIELD- DAY    2

  A vast and undulating sea of wheat. We become aware that there are two
  heads sticking out of the stalks of wheat: two men standing and looking
  up at the sky. As we move towards them, we can see that the two men are
  SCOTTY and CHEKOV, dressed in civilian clothing.

  (points to sky)
  There he is- there, to the south!

  (peers upward)
  What are ye, blind? That's a bird.

  As they stare up at the sky

  3       EXT. SPACE (VFX-I)      3

  The cylinder tumbling through space is now closer, and we can now see
  that it is a bottle of some sort, and it is tumbling directly toward the

  4       EXT. WHEATFIELD- DAY    4

  As before, Chekov and Scotty staring at the sky.

  Repelling the Crystalline Trench, rafting down lava flows, orbital
  skydiving.It's like the man is running a bloody decathlon across the

  Suddenly we hear a double sonic boom.

  That should be him now. I think he's just crossed the sound barrier.

  They shield their eyes against the sun and look up.

  5       EXT. SPACE (VFX-I)      5

  The bottle gets closer.

  6       EXT. WHEATFIELD- DAY    6

  A man in a high-tech body harness and parachute lands in the wheat flat
  on his back. His body-suit is charred, scorched, wisps of smoke still
  curling off it. There are small thrusters attached to his backpack and
  boots. Scotty and Chekov move to him. The man removes his helmet. It is
  KIRK. He smiles broadly, like a child who has just come off a

  Right on target! I jump out over the Arabian Peninsula and I end up
  here, right on the dime.

  Kirk gets to his feet.

  Actually, Captain, your precise target area was thirty-five meters
  (points)that way.

  Thanks for pointing that out.

  Kirk starts to pull off his suit, reacts to a sudden pain in his back.


  I've warned ye about that back of yours. You should have a doctor take a
  look at it.

  Kirk waves him away, and continues to remove his harness.

  6A      EXT. SPACE (VFX-I)      6A

  The tumbling bottle rushes past, and we can now see that it is a
  champagne Bottle- Dom Perignon, 2265. Follow the bottle as it tumbles
  through space.

  6B      EXT. WHEATFIELD- DAY    6B

  Kirk, Scotty and Chekov as before.

  Tomorrow I want to make a tri-elliptical jump. That's where you jump out
  over Northern China and make three complete orbits before you start

  Captain. Perhaps you have forgotten that tomorrow is the christening

  This strikes a nerve with Kirk- we see a flash of hesitation and
  irritation cross his face.

  I'm not going (beat) Scotty, help me with this chute.

  What do you mean, you're not going? We promised.

  When I retired, I swore I'd never set foot on a starship again, and I
  meant it.


  I don't want to hear anymore about it. I'm not going, and that's final.

  7       EXT. SPACE (VFX-I)      7

  The champagne bottle smashes onto the bow of a Federation starship
  (Excelsior class) sitting in its dock in orbit around Earth.

  7A      EXT. SPACE (VFX-I)      7A

  Follow the shards of glass from the bottle as they spread over the ship,
  revealing the name on the hull: U.S.S. ENTERPRISE NCC-1701-B.


  A large picture window overlooking the starship in its berth. The window
  is filled with people in Starfleet uniforms, applauding the christening
  of the ship (but we hear nothing).


  The people are still applauding and we can see that they are looking out
  over the ship in its berth.


  The great ship sits in spacedock.

  9       INT. ENTERPRISE-B- BRIDGE       9

  Close on a set of turbolift doors as they slide open to reveal Kirk,
  Scotty and Chekov. A bright light shines into their faces and they
  react. Move to reveal that the bright light is coming from a futuristic
  camera with a small bank of lights attached to it. The camera is a
  holographic recorder with two lenses and is worn on an operator's head.
  There are four JOURNALISTS clustered in front of the turbolift- one
  associated with the camera, the others using PADDs to make notations.

  Also clustered around the door are the bridge crew of the
  Enterprise-B.Everyone is applauding as Kirk and the others blink under
  the bright lights and ENTER the Bridge.

  Captain Kirk, how does it feel to be back on the Enterprise Bridge=8A?
  Captain, can I have a minute? Captain Scott, do you have any comment on?
  Commander Chekov

  CAPTAIN JOHN HARRIMAN pushes through the crowd.

  Excuse me, excuse me=8A there will be plenty of time for questions

  The journalists edge away, and the cameraman moves to get a good angle.

  (cont'd, to all)
  I'm Captain John Harriman. I'd like to welcome you all aboard.

  It's our pleasure.

  Harriman is young, confident, eager. This is his first command and he
  takes it very seriously.

  I just want you to know how excited we all are to have a group of living
  legends with us on our maiden voyage. (beat) I remember reading about
  your missions when I was in grade school.

  The original Enterprise officers all stop and give him a look. Harriman
  looks a little embarrassed- he didn't mean to insult them. But Kirk
  gives him a little smile, lets it roll off.

  Well, may we have a look around?

  Please, please.

  Chekov sees someone in the background, calls out to her.


  Chekov moves off.

  So, Captain=8A this is the first starship Enterprise in thirty years
  withoutJames T. Kirk in command. How do you feel about that?

  The journalist has unknowingly touched a nerve. Kirk's eyes flash for
  amoment- the longer he's on this Bridge, the more he realizes he doesn't
  feel good about it at all. He tries to shrug it off with a smile.

  Just fine. I'm glad to be here to send her on her way.

  He tries to move away from the journalist, who dogs him.

  What have you been doing since you retired?

  I've been keeping busy.

  At this point, Chekov approaches with a young, mid-twenties, attractive,
  Asian female Ensign named DEMORA.

  (to Kirk)
  Excuse me, Captain. I'd like you to meet the Helmsman of the
  Enterprise-B. Ensign Demora Sulu- Captain James Kirk.

  It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. My father's told me some interesting
  stories about you.

  Kirk is shocked. For a long moment, he stares at her in amazement.

  Your father? Hikaru Sulu is your father?

  Yes, sir.

  You met her once before, but she was

  Chekov holds out his hand and indicates a very short height.

  But that wasn't so long ago. It couldn't have been more than...

  Twelve years, sir.

  Yes, well, congratulations, Ensign. It wouldn't be the Enterprise
  without a Sulu at the helm.

  Thank you, sir. (to Chekov) Let me show you the new inertial guidance

  Demora and Chekov move off and Kirk looks after them for a long beat.
  The expression on his face changes from shock to sadness. Something is
  clearly bothering him. Scotty moves over to Kirk, with a smile on his

  (to Kirk)
  Damn fine ship if you ask me.

  But Kirk's mind is still on Demora. He watches her as she moves to the
  Helmsman's position.

  You know, Scotty, it amazes me.

  And what would that be, sir?

  Sulu. When did he find the time for a family?

  It's like you always said- if something's important enough, you make the

  Kirk nods absently. Scotty realizes something.

  So, that's why you've been running around the galaxy like an
  eighteen-year-old. Finding retirement a little lonely, are we?

  Kirk gives him a look.

  With that kind of tact, I'm glad you're an engineer and not a

  Harriman interrupts.

  Excuse me, gentlemen, if you'll take your seats.

  Oh, of course.

  10      NEW ANGLE       10

  Revealing that three chairs have been neatly arranged to one side.

  Scotty, Kirk and Chekov all take their seats. The journalists take
  positions on the opposite side of the Bridge. Harriman moves to the
  command chair and the rest of the Bridge crew go to their stations.

  (to all)
  Prepare to leave spacedock. Aft thrusters ahead one quarter, port and
  starboard at station keeping. (beat) Captain Kirk, I'd be honored if you
  would give the order to get underway.

  No, no. Thank you.

  Please, I insist.

  All eyes on Kirk- he has little choice. He stands uncomfortably. There
  is a moment of anticipation.

  (to all)
  Take us out.

  Everyone breaks into applause. Kirk sits down in acute embarrassment and

  Very good, sir.

  Brought a tear to my eye.


  11      EXT. SPACE- ENTERPRISE-B (VFX-I)        11

  The great ship majestically leaves the dock and heads out into open
  space,passing directly overhead.

  12      INT. ENTERPRISE-B- BRIDGE       12

  A short time later. Harriman turns to his guests.

  Well, we've just cleared the asteroid belt. Our course will take us
  outbeyond Pluto and then back to spacedock. Just a quick run around the
  block. (beat) If we have time, we'll conduct a few tests of the warp-

  Suddenly the communications console starts to beep. The COM OFFICER hits
  a few commands in response.

  (to Harriman)
  We're picking up a distress call, Captain.

  This grabs everyone's attention.

  On speakers.

  We hear the voice of a crewmember who sounds panicked and urgent.

  This is the transport ship Lakul. We're caught in some kind of
  energydistortion. We can't break free... need immediate help... it'
  tearing us-

  The voice is drowned out by static. The SCIENCE OFFICER checks something
  on his console. The journalist with the holo-camera turns on his light
  and pans it around to capture the action.

  The Lakul is one of two ships transporting El-Aurian refugees to Earth.

  Harriman blinks a couple of times, surprised at this unexpected turn of
  events. Kirk watches him intently. Harriman clears his throat, then
  turns to Demora.

  Can you locate them?

  The ships are bearing at 3-1-0 mark 2-1-5. Distance: three light years.

  Signal the closest starship. We're in no condition to mount a rescue. We
  don't even have a full crew aboard.

  The NAVIGATOR checks his console.

  We're the only one in range, sir.

  The holo-camera light is shined on Harriman as he shifts in his seat,
  hesitant to take the plunge. Kirk is drumming his fingers impatiently on
  his leg. Finally, Harriman takes a breath and straightens his jacket a

  Well, then, I guess it's up to us. (to Demora) Helm, lay in an intercept
  course and engage at maximum warp.

  Kirk fidgets in his chair, itching to get in on the action- his
  instincts taking over. Scotty shoots him a side-long glance.

  Is there something wrong with your chair, Captain?

  Kirk gives him a look.

  13      EXT. SPACE- ENTERPRISE-B (VFX-I)        13

  The ship snaps into warp.

  14      INT. ENTERPRISE-B- BRIDGE       14

  A few minutes later. Demora is watching her console.

  We're within visual range of the energy distortion, Captain.

  On screen.

  15      INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (VFX-I)      15

  Which now shows a huge ribbon of crackling energy directly ahead of the
  Enterprise-B. Everyone reacts to the bizarre sight.

  What the hell is that?

  (off console)
  I've found the transport ships.


  The viewscreen now shows two transport ships trapped like insects in the
  violent torrent of energy. The ships are being buffeted and thrown about
  by large tendrils of crackling energy.

  Their hulls are starting to buckle under the stress- they won't survive
  much longer.

  The ship suddenly shakes. The Navigator works his console.

  We're encountering severe gravimetric distortions from the energy

  We'll have to keep our distance. We don't want to get pulled in, too.

  Harriman frowns at the screen, trying to figure out what to do. Kirk can
  barely contain himself- to him the answer is obvious. He blurts out the

  Tractor beam...

  Scotty quickly elbows him in the side- this isn't Kirk's ship. Kirk
  shuts up.  Harriman glances at Kirk.

  We don't have a tractor beam.

  You left spacedock without a tractor beam?

  It won't be installed until Tuesday. (beat) Ensign Sulu, try generating
  a subspace field around the ships. That might break them free.

  Aye, sir.

  When Kirk hears this order, he shakes his head slightly and mouths the
  word 'no' under his breath. He knows that won't work.

  (shakes her head)
  There's too much quantum interference, Captain.

  Harriman frowns again, trying to come up with another solution, but it
  isn't easy- it's his first day in command; his ship is under-manned and
  ill-prepared. It's a nightmare come true. Kirk is itching to get in on
  this, his fingers digging into the arms of his chair- but he restrains

  What about=8A venting plasma from the warp nacelles? That might disrupt
  theribbon's hold on the ships.

  Aye, sir. Releasing drive plasma.

  A tense beat. Harriman glances over at the journalists, then glances
  over at Kirk. Kirk goves him a pained smile, trying to be encouraging
  even though he knows this is not the right course of action.

  It's not having any effect, sir. I think-

  Sir! The starboard vessel's hull is collapsing.


  Suddenly the right-hand ship on the screen is engulfed by a fiery
  tendril of energy and it explodes. The other ship continues to be thrown
  about and buffeted. Everyone reacts with shock on the Bridge.

  How many people were aboard that ship?

  Two hundred sixty-five.

>>> Harriman pales at the sight, seems shell-shocked by the struction
  of the ship. He's overwhelmed now; at a genuine loss as to what to do

  The Lakul's hull integrity is down to twelve percent, sir.
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  Harriman looks over at Kirk, who has remained quiet during this entire
  sequence only through great effort and out of deference to the young
  captain. This is a delicate moment- Harriman doesn't want to look
  incapable, but at the same time, he needs help.

  Captain Kirk, I would appreciate any suggestions you might have.

  Kirk is out of his chair like a cork out of a bottle. He moves down to
  stand next to Harriman.

  First, move us within transporter range and beam those people to the

  Harriman looks at him with surprise.

  What about the gravimetric distortions? They'll tear us apart.

  Risk is part of the game if you want to sit in that chair.

  Kirk gives him a supportive look. Harriman buckles down and grimly looks
  at the image on the screen.

  Helm, close to within transporter range.

  Kirk glances at the cameraman, who's still shining the light on them

  And second, turn that damned thing off.

  The cameraman turns off the light.


  16      EXT. SPACE- ENTERPRISE-B (VFX-I)        16

  The ship edges in yet closer to the crackling ribbon. The tendrils from
  the ribbon lash out at the ship, just missing it.

  17      INT. ENTERPRISE-B- BRIDGE       17

  As before.

  We're within range, sir.

  (to lieutenant)
  Beam them directly to Sickbay.

  How big's your medical staff?

  The medical staff doesn't arrive until Tuesday.

  Chekov turns to the two journalists.

  You and you. You've just become nurses. Let's go.

  Chekov and the journalists EXIT to the turbolift.

  Main Engineering reports fluctuations in the warp plasma relays.

  Bypass the relays and go to auxiliary systems.

  The LIEUTENANT is having problems at the aft console.

  Sir, I'm having trouble locking onto them. They appear to be in some
  sort of temporal flux.

  Kirk turns to Scotty.


  Scotty quickly moves to look at the transporter console.

  What the hell...

  Kirk moves to him.

  Their life signs are are phasing in and out of our space-time continuum.

  Phasing? To where?

  Scotty begins to work.

  Sir! Their hull's collapsing!

  18      EXT. SPACE- THE LAKUL (VFX-I)   18

  The ship is destroyed by an energy tendril.

  19      INT. ENTERPRISE-B- BRIDGE       19

  All eyes on Scotty.

  I got forty-seven of them (beat, grim) out of one hundred fifty.

  Suddenly the ship is rocked violently. Klaxons and alarms start to wail
  and the lights flicker on and off. A bulkhead explodes, sending metal
  fragments screaming across the Bridge and killing the Navigator. Scotty
  quickly takes over the dead man's console.


  We're caught in a gravimetric field emanating from the trailing edge of
  the ribbon.

  All engines, full reverse!

  20      EXT. SPACE- ENTERPRISE-B & RIBBON (VFX-I)       20

  The ship is turning sideways into the wake of the ribbon, but cannot
  break away. It is clearly being pulled along, out of control. Tendrils
  leap up from the ribbon, lashing against the ship.

  21      INT. ENTERPRISE-B- SICKBAY      21

  The room is filled with the survivors of the Lakul. They are all members
  ofthe El-Aurian race- humanoid and dressed in distinctive clothing. The
  survivors are in various states of shock. Many sit on the floor, staring
  into middle distance. Some lie on tables, unconscious. Others are
  mumbling incoherently to themselves. Chekov and the journalists are
  moving from person to person trying to get control of the situation as
  the ship is rocked and flung about. Chekov has a tricorder.

  (incoherent, overlapping)
  The colors are touching me. I'm caught in the glass. Help me...I can see
  the seconds...Over here...

  It will be all right. We're going to take care of you.

  He looks at the tricorder.

  (off tricorder)
  Only minor injuries so far. (beat) But it looks like they're all
  suffering from some kind of neural shock.

  One journalist moves past a man sitting on a biobed with a dazed look on
  his face. He has a nasty looking wound on one side of his face. (We will
  learn later that this man is named DOCTOR SORAN.)

  The journalist is about to turn away when suddenly Soran grabs him
  roughly- clearly a man of great strength- and pulls him close. Soran's
  eyes are suddenly wild, crazed.

  Why, why?

  It's all right. You're safe=8A you're on the Enterprise.

  No, I have to go... I have to get back. You don't understand! Let me go!

  Soran begins to attack the journalist, but before he can do any real
  damage, Chekov injects Soran with a hypospray and Soran falls

  What was he talking about?

  Suddenly a woman with her back toward us stumbles nearby. Chekov quickly
  grabs her arm and catches her before she falls.

  Easy there...

  The woman turns around and we see her face for the first time- it's
  GUINAN. She seems dazed and confused. Chekov smiles at her warmly.

  It's going to be okay. Here, just lie down.

  As he guides Guinan onto a table

  22      INT. ENTERPRISE-B- BRIDGE (VFX-I)       22

  Energy ribbon on viewscreen.

  Inertial dampers failing.

  Engines not responding!

  Harriman is gripping the arms of his chair with one hand. His face

  I didn't expect to die my first day on the job.

  Kirk tries to buck up the young captain.

  The first thing you learn as captain is how to cheat death. (beat, then
  louder) Scotty?

  There's just no way to disrupt a gravimetric field of this magnitude!

  Hull integrity failing.

  Kirk looks at Scotty expectantly for a moment.

  But I do have a theory...

  I thought you might.

  An anti-matter discharge directly ahead=8A it might disrupt the field
  long enough for us to break away.

  A photon torpedo?


  (quickly, to Demora)
  Load torpedo bays, prepare to fire on my command.

  Demora turns to him.

  Captain, we don't have any torpedoes.

  Kirk glances at Harriman.

  Don't tell me...Tuesday.

  Harriman nods, a little embarrassed. The shaking gets worse.

  Captain, it may be possible to simulate a torpedo blast using a
  resonance burst from the main deflector dish.

  (onto the idea)
  Where are the deflector relays?

  Deck 15, section 21-alpha.

  (to Kirk)
  I'll go. You have the Bridge.

  Harriman heads for the turbolift, and there is a moment as Kirk is
  sorely tempted to take command of the ship and sit in the Captain's
  chair one more time. But he pulls himself back before Harriman can exit.

  No=8A a captain's place is on the Bridge of his ship. (beat) I'll take
  care of it.

  Harriman nods in acknowledgement. Kirk heads for the turbolift.

  (on the move, to Scotty)
  Keep her together until I get back.

  (matter of fact)
  I always do.

  Kirk smiles as the turbolift doors slide shut.

  23      OMITTED 23

  24      INT. ENTERPRISE-B- CORRIDOR     24

  Kirk running down the corridor, opens a door.


  A small control room with a few consoles. Kirk rushes in and rips off
  one of the large wall panels. He quickly begins to re-route cabling and

  26      INT. ENTERPRISE-B- BRIDGE       26

  As before. The ship is shaking badly.

  Forty-five seconds to structural collapse!

  Scotty is working the consoles frantically.

  Bridge to Captain Kirk.



  Kirk working furiously.

  Kirk here.

  Captain, I don't know how much longer I can hold her together!

  Kirk finishes working and slams the wall panel closed.

  That's it. Go!

  28      INT. ENTERPRISE-B- BRIDGE       28

  As before.

  (to Demora)
  Activate main deflector.

  Demora works the console.

  29      EXT. SPACE- ENTERPRISE-B (VFX-I)        29

  A large burst of energy leaps out of the main deflector dish and
  explodes in front of the ship. There is an immediate reaction within the
  energy ribbon, which roils and fluctuates in response.

  30      INT. ENTERPRISE-B- BRIDGE       30

  As before.

  We're breaking free.

  31      EXT. SPACE- ENTERPRISE-B (VFX-I)        31

  The ship now begins to turn away from the crackling ribbon. But just as
  it's turning, one final tendril of energy suddenly leaps out and hits
  the ship.

  32      OMITTED 32

  33      INT. ENTERPRISE-B- BRIDGE       33

  The ship is rocked so hard that everyone is knocked off their feet.
   Gradually, the shaking stops. Demora scrambles back into position.

  We're clear.

  Everyone reacts with relief.

  (excited, to com)
  You did it, Kirk! (to Demora) Damage report, Ensign.

  (off console)
  There's some buckling on the starboard nacelle. (reacts) We've also got
  a hull breach in the Engineering section. Emergency forcefields are in
  place and holding.


  Sections 20 through 28 on decks 13, 14...(looks at Scotty with meaning)
  and 15.

  Everyone turns around and looks at Scotty.

  (to com)
  Bridge to Captain Kirk. (beat) Captain Kirk, please respond.

  Still no response. Scotty's face falls.

  (continuing, to Demora)
  Have Chekov meet me on Deck 15.

  Harriman, very concerned, gets up and follows Scotty. They EXIT to the


  34      INT. ENTERPRISE-B- CORRIDOR     34

  Scotty and Harriman head down the corridor. They round a bend, and then
  stop short. They react to something ahead of them.

  35      NEW ANGLE (VFX-P)       35

  Revealing that the corridor ahead of them is gone. A jagged hole has
  been ripped in the ship and open space can be seen beyond the twisted
  metal. A forcefield flickers on and off, holding the vacuum of space at

  Scotty and Harriman look at the awesome sight for a moment. Chekov comes
  running up the corridor behind them. He stops and reacts.

  My God...(beat) Was anyone in there?

  A long silent beat as Scotty looks out into space.


  36      EXT. SPACE- ENTERPRISE-B (VFX-I)        36

  A huge chunk has been ripped out of the Engineering section, looking
  like an open wound. Scotty, Chekov and Harriman can be seen standing
  inside the small corridor, looking out into space.

  37      INT. ENTERPRISE-B- BRIDGE       37

  A short time later. Scotty, Harriman and Chekov are listening to Demora,
  who is working the Helm console.

  I've checked the entire ship and the surrounding space, there's no sign
  of him.

  A silent moment. Chekov looks to Scotty, hoping to hear some sort of
  miracle. Scotty takes a moment, looks at the empty command chair. Then
  he shakes his head. A long beat as everyone is forced to accept this
  terrible truth.

  Just a quick run around the block.

  I never thought it would end like this.

  All things must end, Mr. Chekov.

  Harriman finally breaks the stillness of the Bridge.

  Let's go home.

  Harriman steps down to the Captain's chair and takes command of his

  Scotty and Chekov exchange a final look. Off the reactions of these two
  friends who have just lost someone very dear to them both.


  38      EXT. SPACE- ENTERPRISE-B (VFX-I)        38

  The crippled ship turns and heads away=



  39      CLOSE ON A HALYARD      39

  as a flag is quickly hoisted to the top of a mast. The flag reaches the
  top and is then caught by the wind- the blue and white banner of the
  United Federation of Planets waves in the breeze.


  40      EXT. SAILING VESSEL- DAY        40

  A nineteenth-century three-masted sailing vessel (about the size of a
  frigate) is hove-to and sitting in the water gently rocking. Across the
  stern of the ship, we can see the name ENTERPRISE picked out in gold

  41      ON THE MAIN DECK        41

  Where PICARD and RIKER are standing before the assembled crew of the
  ship. Everyone is dressed in full-dress naval uniforms of the period,
  complete with cocked hats, epaulettes, etc. The crew is standing at
  attention, the wind whistles through the rigging, the timbers creak.

  Picard grimly looks over his crew, then nods to Riker.

  Bring out the prisoner!

  A drummer begins a long drum roll.

  42      ON A HATCH      42

  as WORF is brought on deck by TROI and LA FORGE. Worf is shackled by
  hand and leg irons. Troi and La Forge hold him by either arm and shove
  him toward theCaptain. The drum roll stops. Picard moves to Worf and
  peers at him closely.

  Mr. Worf. I always knew this day would come. Are you prepared to face
  the charges?

  Worf doesn't answer and Troi jabs him in the side.

  Answer him!

  I am prepared.

  Picard looks to Riker, who then pulls out a large, rolled piece of
  parchment. He opens the scroll and begins to read from it. In the b.g.,
  La Forge removes Worf's shackles.

  'We, the officers and crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise, being of sound mind
  and judgment, hereby make the following charges against Lieutenant Worf:
  One. That he did knowingly and willfully perform above and beyond the
  call of duty on countless occasions. Two. That he has been a good and
  solid officer on this ship for one score less twelve years. And three.
  Most seriously that he has earned the respect and admiration of the
  entire crew.'

  Riker puts away the scroll

  There can be only one punishment for such crimes. (beat) I hereby
  promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, with all the rights and
  privilegesthereto. And may God have mercy on your soul.

  Everyone roars in approval. Picard smiles at Worf and shakes his hand.

  Congratulations, Commander.

  Thank you, sir.

  Picard continues to smile at him for a moment, then Riker steps in.

  Extend the plank!!

  Worf's face registers surprise as everyone grabs him and hauls him
  toward the side, where a long plank is being pushed out over the water.

岸观影时2018年10月04日22:11刚刚结束的《中国相声小品》大赛,来自天津的杨仪、杨少华父子为我们奉献了一段相声,作为今晚大赛的压轴戏。正如在相声中杨仪所说,他已经十几年不说相声了。那这些年《相  Into the sea with him. Feed him to the sharks! Walk the plank!

  Picard gives Riker a questioning look.

  Don't you think you're taking this a little too far, Number One?

  When we went to ancient Rome for Deanna's promotion, we threw her to the
  lions, remember?

  Picard shrugs it off- it's not exactly his cup of tea, but he'll go
  along with it.

  Worf is hustled to the rail where CRUSHER is waiting patiently by the
  plank, holding a long pike. Worf is put on the plank and Crusher prods
  him with the pike until Worf is nearly at the end.

  Worf finally stops and turns around

  (a shout)

  Everyone falls silent a moment. Worf looks over the side at the water

  (a little embarrassed)
  I can't swim.

  (calmly, to Worf)
  The Holodeck safety program is engaged. The computer won't let you

  But the sharks are quite convincing.

  Crusher prods him with the pike and Worf falls into the sea with a huge
  splash. Everyone laughs and cheers. Reveal DATA, who is standing near
  the side rail, looking a little confused at the reaction.

  (to Crusher)
  Doctor, I must confess I am uncertain as to why pushing someone into
  freezing, shark-infested water is amusing.
  It's all done in good fun, Data. Get in the spirit of things.


  Data thinks a moment, then he lifts Crusher with one hand and hold her
  over the rail.


  Data lets go and Crusher plummets into the ocean. Data looks around- no
  one is laughing. They all look a little surprised.

  Data=8A that wasn't funny.

  Data is puzzled by the reaction of the crowd. He's more confused than

  43      PICARD AND RIKER        43

  are standing on the quarterdeck as a very wet Beverly Crusher comes up
  on deck.

  Well, now that we're all aboard=8A (beat, then smiles) Number One, bring
  the ship before the wind. (savoring the moment) Let's see what's out

  Aye, aye, sir. (to Troi) Take the wheel, Commander.

  Troi takes the ship's wheel.

  All hands make sail! Raise up tacks and stand by the braces!

  The crew springs into action, rushing to their places aloft and on
  deck,grabbing ropes and lines, starting to unfurl the sails, trimming
  the yardarms, getting the ship ready to sail.

  44              44
  thru    OMITTED thru
  45              45

  46      PICARD AND RIKER        46

  Picard is drinking in the scene with a look of great satisfaction and

  Imagine what it was like, Will. No engines, no computers, just the wind,
  the sea and the stars to guide you.

  Bad food, brutal discipline. (beat) No women.

  But Picard won't let Riker rain on his parade- he's thoroughly enjoying

  Bridge to Captain Picard.

  Picard here.

  There is a personal message for you from Earth.

  Put it through down here. (to Riker) But the best thing about a life at
  sea was that they couldn't get to you.

  Picard walks toward the bow.

  (to com)
  Computer, arch.

  46A     ANGLE (VFX-P)   46A

  A U-shaped arch with several computer panels visible appears on the
  forecastle. It's a strange sight to see a piece of the 24th century on
  the deck of this ship. Picard goes to the arch and activates one of the
  monitors and waits for the transmission to appear.

  46B     NEW ANGLE (VFX-P)       46B

  A text message appears and he starts to read it. After a moment, he
  reacts with shock and dismay to something on the screen.

  47      ON TROI 47

  whose attention has been drawn to Picard, at the arch. She reacts with
  concern at the expression on his face.

  (to crewmember)
  Here. Take the wheel.

  Troi moves toward the bow.

  48      ON PICARD (VFX-P)       48

  whose face is now ashen with shock. Clearly he has just read something
  on the screen which is very disturbing. He stares into the middle
  distance for a moment. Troi moves to him.

  Captain, are you all right?

  Yes. Fine. If you'll excuse me.

  He turns off the screen.

  Computer, exit.

  48A     ANGLE (VFX-P)   48A

  The Holodeck doors appear within the arch. Picard is clearly distracted
  as he EXITS to the corridor. Troi looks after him with concern.

  49      NEW ANGLE       49

  favoring Riker. He takes a couple of steps toward Worf.

  Set the royals and the studding sails, Mr. Worf.

  Worf looks at him blankly for a moment.

  The royal...studs?

  (smiles, points aloft)
  You see the top yardarm, now look to the-

  Suddenly a com voice interrupts.

  Bridge to Commander Riker.

  Riker here.

  We're picking up a distress call from the Amargosa observatory, sir They
  say they're under attack.

  (to all)
  Red Alert! All hands to battle stations! Captain Picard to the Bridge.

  Everyone on the ship reacts, and there is a general rush to the bow of
  the ship.


  50      EXT. SPACE- ENTERPRISE-D (VFX-I)        50

  The great ship at impulse. We follow it and then see ahead of the ship,
  a small solar observatory with a complex optical array. The observatory
  bears scorch marks and other signs of recent battle. (In the b.g., a
  yellow sun can be seen.)

  51      INT. BRIDGE (VFX-I)     51

  Picard in command. Riker, Troi, Worf and Data at their stations They
  didn't have time to change, so they are all still dressed in their
  costumes from the ceremony. The ship is at Red Alert. The image of the
  burnt-out observatory is on the viewscreen.

  It looks like we're too late.

  (off console)
  There are no other ships in the system.

  Sensors show five life signs aboard the station, Captain.

  The station complement was nineteen.

  A grim beat. Picard gets up and starts heading for the Ready Room- his
  attitude is dismissive, almost irritated that this has interrupted some
  deeper concern of his.

  Secure from Red Alert. Number One, begin an investigation. I'll be in my
  Ready Room.

  Troi and Riker exchange a surprised look.


  Make it so.

  Picard EXITS. An awkward beat. What's wrong with the Captain? But they
  have their orders. As Riker and Worf head for the exit,



  The station is a smoking ruin- consoles flickering, lights dim, damage
  everywhere. Only a few minutes have passed since they were attacked.
  Riker, Worf, Crusher and two SECURITY GUARDS materialize. They're all
  back in uniform, holding phasers and palm beacons. Worf has a tricorder
  and Crusher has a medical kit. The room is cramped, there are fallen
  bulk-heads and blown- out consoles. The debris makes it difficult to get
  a clear view of the room.

  These blast patterns are consistent with Type III disruptors.

  Well, that narrows it to Klingon, Breen or Romulan.

  Crusher follows her tricorder readings.

  I'm picking up lifesigns...about twenty meters ahead.

  That rules out Klingons.

  Riker gives him a look.

  They would not have left anyone alive.

  Over here.

  They pick their way carefully through the carnage of the station and
  come to the body of a Starfleet science officer. He has taken a
  disruptor blast to the back and there is a nasty-looking scorch mark on
  his uniform. Crusher immediately takes some devices out of her medical
  kit and begins to treat him.

  Worf, you're with me. Paskall, you and Mendez search the upper deck.

  The security guards climb a nearby ladder while Riker and Worf head
  down a dimly-lit corridor. Riker stops at two bodies in the hall, checks
  them over- but they're dead. There is a sudden banging from the far
  corner of the room. Worf and Riker quickly move to a collapsed bulkhead.

  Under here.

  They both grab hold of a large metal plate, pull it aside and begin to
  dig through the debris. Finally, a hand can be seen grasping about from
  within the pile of rubble. Riker and Worf work faster. Worf grabs the
  man's hand.

  It's all right. Do not struggle.

  Worf holds the man's hand as Riker shoves away a final console. We
  reveal the head and torso of Doctor Soran, one of the survivors from the
  Lakul (and last seen in Sickbay aboard the Enterprise-B). Soran has not
  aged at all over the years but he does have a permanent scar on his face
  from the earlier wound. He blinks a few times, seems a little dazed.

  I'm Commander William Riker of the starship Enterprise.

  Soran, Doctor Tolian Soran.

  Soran puts a hand to his head, still trying to get his bearings.

  Who attacked you, Doctor?

  I'm not sure, it happened so fast.

  (calls out)
  Commander- you'd better take a look at this.

  Riker and Worf move to the ladder as Crusher begins to scan Soran.

  53      NEW ANGLE- UPPER DECK   53

  Riker and Worf move over to the two security guards who are kneeling
  over a dead body which is obscured from view. One guard turns over the
  body, revealing a Romulan soldier. Worf looks at him in disgust.


  Riker and Worf exchange a look. Off their reactions


  54      INT. DATA'S QUARTERS    54

  Data is sitting in a chair, petting SPOT the cat. La Forge is standing
  next to him.

  Is she still angry?

  No, but I'd stay out of Sickbay for a while if I were you. I still don't
  know why you dropped her in the water.

  I was attempting to get in the spirit of things. I thought it would be

  Data frowns, troubled by this recent experience. He puts Spot down and
  moves to a bulkhead. He activates a control panel and a small
  compartment slides open, revealing a small computer chip which is
  suspended in a glass and metal framework. Data looks at the chip for a
  beat and La Forge moves to him in concern.

  Data, you're not thinking about using that thing are you?

  It has occurred to me on several occasions. But I believe this may be
  the appropriate time.

  Wait a minute. I thought you've always been afraid it would overload
  your neural net.

  That is true. However, I believe my growth as an artificial lifeform has
  reached an impasse. For thirty-four years I have endeavored to become
  more 'human'- to grow beyond my original programming. And yet I am still
  unable to grasp such a simple concept as humor. This emotion chip is the
  only answer.

  La Forge considers a moment, looks at the chip, and reluctantly has to

  All right.

  Data sits down and La Forge moves to stand behind him.

  But at the first sign of trouble, I'm going to deactivate it. Agreed?


  La Forge works on Data's head for a moment, and the opens a panel on
  Data's head, revealing the blinking circuitry within.


  55      INT. READY ROOM 55

  Riker is standing next to Picard, who has his back turned and is staring
  out the window. Picard seems distracted during the scene, his mind
  clearly elsewhere as Riker finishes his report.

  We found two dead Romulans aboard the station. We're analyzing their
  equipment to see if we can determine what ship they came from.

  Picard nods absently.

  There's still no indication of why they attacked the station?

  We think they were looking for something- they practically tore the
  place apart.

  Hmm, (beat) Inform Starfleet Command. This could indicate a new Romulan
  threat in this sector.

  You want me to contact Starfleet?

  Is there a problem?

  No, sir.

  Thank you, Number One.

  Picard keeps his back turned, looking out the window. Riker hesitates,

  There is something else, Captain. One of the scientists, a Doctor
  Soran,has insisted on speaking with you. (beat) I told him you were
  busy, sir,
  but he said it was absolutely imperative that he speak with you right

  Understood. That will be all.

  Sir, is there anything wrong?

  No. Thank you.

  A beat, then Riker turns and EXITS. Off Picard's unreadable face.


  56      INT. TEN FORWARD        56

  The room is bustling with patrons and activity. Data ENTERS with an
  oddlook on his face, his body language subtly altered. He is looking at
  the world through new eyes. La Forge is following him closely, watching
  his every move. They move to the bar. Guinan comes over- she has not
  aged at all since the Enterprise-B. She sets down an exotic-looking
  container full of dark liquid.

  You two just volunteered to be my first victims. This is a new
  concoction I picked up on Forcas III. Trust me, you're going to love it.

  She pours two glasses of the liquid. Data takes one and sniffs it, then
  takes a drink. La Forge watches him closely. Data frowns.


  I believe the beverage has provoked an emotional response.

  Really? What do you feel?

  I am uncertain. I have had little experience with emotions. I am unable
  to articulate the sensation.


  I'll explain later.

  Data finishes the drink, concentrates, tries to make sense of the rush
  of feelings. His expression is one of disgust.

  (to La Forge)
  I don't think he likes it.

  Yes. That is it. I hate it.

  Data, I think the chip is working.

  Data looks at La Forge with a big smile on his face.

  Yes. I hate this! It is revolting!


  Another round?


  In the b.g., we see Picard ENTER Ten Forward.

  57      FOLLOW PICARD   57

  as he walks through Ten Forward and heads toward a table by the windows.
  Soran is sitting at the table, staring out at the stars, lost in
  thought. His observatory uniform is distinctive, and sets him apart from
  everyone else in the room. Picard walks up to the table.

  Doctor Soran?

  Yes, yes, Captain. Thank you for coming.

  The men skake hands and Picard sits down. Soran is an imposing physical
  presence, but at the moment he seems very much the eccentric scientists
  consumed with his work. Picard waves away a waiter.

  Nothing for me. (brusque, to Soran) I understand there's something
  urgent you need to discuss with me.

  Yes. I need to return to the observatory immediately. I must continue a
  critical experiment I was running on the Amargosa star.

  Picard's reaction is a little impatient- this doesn't sound that
  imperative to him.

  Doctor, we're still conducting an investigation into the attack. Once
  we've completed our work, we'll be happy to allow you and your fellow
  scientists back aboard the observatory. Until then-




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