更新时间:2024/5/3 20:07:05



                                                   Ronald Bass
                                                   First Draft Screenplay
                                                   December 2, 1996

                                                   Story by:
                                                   Ronald Bass
                                                   and Michael Herzberg


     Lake Shore Drive.  Four o'clock in the morning.  Minimal traffic,
     minimal life.  As MAIN TITLES BEGIN, we PAN UP the face of...

     ...Hancock Tower.  Up, up, forty floors, sixty, eighty, very dark
     up here, street sounds fading fast, and as CREDITS CONTINUE we can
     just make out...

     ...a dark FIGURE.  Like a spider.  Inching its way up the steel
     surface of the 98th floor, and we CLOSE to see...

     The THIEF.  All in black, nearly invisible, with a sleek visored
     helmet that conceals the face.  Two long, oblong backpacks, climb-
     ing ropes and harness across back and shoulders, tools at the belt.
     Moving STRAIGHT UP the face of the skyscraper.  How is it possible?
     CLOSER still to see...

     ...the piton-like BOLTS are electromagnetic, CLANKING to the steel
     to support weight.  A button releases the magnetic charge when the
     bolt is pulled up by cords to a higher position.  The Thief is
     remarkably strong and agile, scaling the wall with fluid precision,

     ...our summit.  A softly-lit, glass-walled PENTHOUSE on the
     100th floor.  Subtle spots which bathe paintings, sculptures,
     in a cavernous coldly-decorated space.

     Swiftly, deftly, the Thief rigs a suction-mounted HARNESS to the
     steel casing above a massive window.  Pulleys, metal caribiner
     clips, yellow Kevlar ropes.  So superbly practiced, the rigging is
     placed in seconds, huge SUCTION CUPS pressed to the surface of the
     glass.  The Thief reaches to a metal rectangle at the top of the
     rigging, touches a button, a motor WHINES, the ropes TIGHTEN and
     the window...

     ...POPS FREE, hangs SUSPENDED by the Kevlar ropes which amazingly
     sustain its awesome weight.  The huge pane shudders in the wind,
     and the Thief slips...

     ...INTO the Penthouse.  Nearby, an ALARM BOX softly BEEPS its
     60-second warning to the pulsing of a green light, and the Thief
     attaches a small computerized DEVICE which runs a series of
     possible CODES at dazzling speed on its display panel, until...

     ...the right one STOPS.  Illuminated in red.  The beeping, the
     green light, go OFF.  The device is removed.

     Back to the window, air rushing in, attach a similar suction-
     mounted harness from the inside, all exquisitely engineered to rig
     in seconds, press new suction cups to the inside of the dangling
     window pane.  A small remote control clicker...

     ...RELEASES the outside suction cups.  The window's weight now
     supported by the interior rigging.  The outside equipment pulled
     INTO the apartment in a single tug.  The WHINE of a motor, and the
     pane pulls UP, the Thief expertly POPPING it into place.

     No trace of entry.

     Rapidly folding the rigging into an astonishingly compact bundle,
     the Thief SCANS...

     ...the profusion of priceless art.  The paintings run to Otto Dix,
     Franz Marc, Marcel Duchamp.  One statue an obvious Rodin.  The soft
     lighting makes walls seem invisible, everything with an infinity
     perspective in mind.  An obsidian slab dining table that seems to
     end at the horizon.

     The Thief has packed the rigging away, taken out a large cylin-
     drical TUBE bearing a label we can't read.  Knows the way, quickly
     through the spectacular apartment, past oils by early German
     expressionists, Russian futurists, a Rothko, a Kandinsky, a Francis
     Bacon.  The Thief has no interest in these, and as CREDITS CONTINUE,
     we enter...

     ...a powder room.  A lime-green poured concrete sink, a copper-
     plated commode, and across from these...

     ...a single PAINTING.  Unlike the others, clearly an Old Master.
     A 17th century city on the water, churches, spires, an ancient
     bridge.  The Thief wastes no time, unceremoniously...

     ...CUTS the painting from its frame with sure, perfect strokes.
     Rolls it quickly in acid-free paper.  Opens the cylindrical tube,
     pulling out...

     ...another CANVAS which we cannot see.  Deftly unrolls this,
     fitting it carefully into the stolen painting's now-empty frame.
     Re-hangs it.  Stares for a beat through the opaque helmet visor.
     Approves.  Slips the rolled-up stolen canvas into the empty tube.
     Leaves.  Before we follow, we shift angle to see the replacement

     A cheerful acrylic portrait.  Bozo the Clown.

     WITH the Thief now, moving fast, into a panelled library.  There is
     a CHUTE built into the wall, a brass lid with the words U.S. MAIL.
     The Thief pops the labeled tube DOWN the chute.  Gone.  Steps...

     ...onto a bookshelf, reaches up to punch out an overhead grating,

     Disappears into the vent.  Reaching back to refit the grating
     seamlessly into place.

     INT. VENT

     Halogen flashlight leading the way, our Thief shimmies down the
     narrow space, arriving at...

     ...an open vertical AIR SHAFT, BLASTING air straight up the 100
     floor height of the skyscraper, with frightening FORCE.  Calmly,
     the Thief clips on a different harness, unzips a nylon cover from
     the backpack, and simply...

     LEAPS DOWN the air shaft, startling the shit out of us, as, for an

     ...the force of the updraft seems to HOLD the Thief in place,
     suspended above 100 stories of nothingness.  Then suddenly, the

     ...DROPS SHARPLY, an exhilarating moment of absolute FREE FALL,
     until a cord is tugged and...

     ...a nylon PARACHUTE OPENS with a pop.  We watch the Thief drifting
     lazily down.  A ride any kid would pay big money for...


     Our original exterior VIEW of the skyscraper's penthouse.  REVERSE
     ANGLE now to see in far distance...

     ...the dense forest of silhouetted OFFICE TOWERS of downtown
     Chicago against the night sky, and we ZOOM TOWARD them, covering
     miles in three seconds, to CLOSE on...

     ...the highest floor of the SEARS TOWER, and THROUGH an unlit
     window to see...

     ...a TELESCOPE.  A silhouetted FIGURE looking through it.  SNAP

     VIEW through the scope's lens.  An amazingly CLOSE detail of the
     Hancock Tower Penthouse.  The scope now PANS DOWN the length of the
     Tower, to...

     The street.  The Thief climbing onto a battered old Lambretta.
     Calm as you please.  And as the scooter glides off...

     We HEAR our unseen voyeur WALK AWAY from our telescope.  A door
     OPENS somewhere, and as CREDITS CONCLUDE, it...

     Closes.  Softly.


     A basement corridor.  Long, bare, dimly lit.  Silent.  We're in the
     bowels of somewhere.  A startling CLANK, like a prison cell
     unlocking.  A FIGURE enters the corridor, coming this way, on the
     hurried side of brisk.

     HECTOR CRUZ is 42, tanned, fit, graying hair swept back in a Pat
     Riley do.  He wears Riley's Armani, too.  Maybe this guy coaches.
     Heels ECHO until he reaches a plain door with discreet lettering...

     NO ADMITTANCE FOR ANY REASON.  There is a dull silver rectangle
     below the words.  He holds his hand up to it...

     Nothing happens.  Shit.  Dries his palm on his perfectly-creased
     slacks.  One more time.  CLICK.  Enters...


     An unexpectedly VAST semi-circular room, the entire inner circum-
     ference made up of a single continuous WALL SCREEN, separated into
     a seamless array of IMAGES...

     Three-dimensional rotating GRAPHICS of every room in the Hancock
     Tower Penthouse, SCHEMATICS of electrical, plumbing, and ventila-
     tion systems.  See-through rotating multicolored models of every
     piece of security EQUIPMENT imaginable, components FLASHING as
     performance simulations are run.  Rapid-fire sequences of indiv-
     idual human PROFILES, complete with photos and bio blurbs.  Screens
     flickering with blizzards of DATA, hurtling past at warp speed.

     The Pentagon and CNN would kill for this room.

     The largest segment of screen, twenty feet square, runs a LIVE FEED
     from the crime scene.  The living room of the Penthouse, crawling
     with slow-moving cops and technicians, doing their slow-moving
     thing.  Surrounding this image are a dozen smaller screens, showing
     this and other rooms from a variety of camera angles.  All live.
     We see the library, the mail chute.  The powder room.  Bozo.

     Cruz skips down three steps to floor level, nine separate CONTROL
     STATIONS, each outfitted with super-tech panels to process the
     avalanche of information.  But today, all stations are empty.

     Except one.

                     Baker.  You got it solved?

     And now we see her.  From the rear.  Slouched at her station.
     Looks like a skinny teenager in tousled tawny hair, rumpled
     oversized workshirt, vintage jeans.

                               GIN (O.S., from the rear)
                     Actually.  Yeh.

     Not a kid's voice.  Throaty.  Music and whiskey and sex and
     effortless confidence.  Even the voice turns us on.

                               CRUZ (glances at his watch)
                     What took you so long, Gin?  I
                     called 4:30 this morn...

     And stops.  Because she turns with a look that would freeze anyone
     to stone.

                     I was with someone, all right?

     Now we really see her.  Delicate bones and features, slender body,
     radiating the power of a natural heart-stopping beauty.  GINGER
     BAKER is 32, ethereal and feral at once.  Electric green eyes
     crackle with an intellect and a will that are not to be fucked

                     So?  This is work.

     He is not kidding.  Stainless steel beneath the dapper.  They are a
     matched team.

                     Hector, I hardly know the guy.
                     Why be impolite to strangers?

     And he smiles.  Maybe she's lying.  He likes her.

                     Look at those assholes...

     He means the cops on live feed.

                     If the Vermeer were lying on that
                     table, they'd toss their doughnuts
                     on it.

                     Yeh, well, they didn't insure it,
                     so they don't have to solve this.
                     To them it's a crime.  To us it's 24
                     mil, less re-insurance, which is...

                               CRUZ (grim)
                     Only thirty percent, Gin.

     Ouch.  Really?

                     Which is why you're on this.

     Soft and straight.  You're the best.  I need you.
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                     He came in through the window.

                     That's not possib...

                     What's not possible is entry through
                     the doors or the vents.  That would
                     have triggered instant alarm.

                     The windows are wired, too.

                     Only for trauma.  They used smart
                     glass, where the sensors respond to
                     violation of the panel's integrity.

     He's listening.  He always does with her.

                     I think he scaled the wall, popped
                     the frame.  In one piece.

     She sounds awfully positive.  Then again, she always does.

                     Then, he only had to deal with
                     heat and motion sensors.  They
                     were on 60-second delay, so the
                     owner wouldn't trigger the alarm
                     just be walking arou...

                     The pane weighs 200 pounds, the
                     building's 1100 feet high.

                     This particular guy is the best.
                     The best there ever was.

     Almost as if she knows who.  Cruz shakes his head...

                     Popping the frame would trigger
                     the alarm.

     She smiles.  First time.  Even at one-tenth power, it is dazzling
     light.  She touches the panel before her...

                               GIN (gently)
                     I wrote a program and ran it, Dumbo.

     The live feed is replaced by a red-outlined rotating three-
     dimensional DIAGRAM of the living room.  The alarm box glows green.
     One window pane glows lavender.  She touches the panel, and the
     window SHATTERS, the alarm instantly emits a PIERCING SCREECH.

     Reset.  As he watches.  This time the window SLIDES AWAY into
     thin air.  No sound.  A stick figure appears, crawls through the
     opening, and the alarm begins the slow BEEP we heard last night.
     Cruz just stares.

                     Here's how I figured it out...

     Live feed replaces the diagram.  Our camera ZOOMS toward a VASE of
     lilies by the window.  All the flowers are tilted in one direction.
     Over the lip of the vase, away from the window.

                     No one arranges flowers like that.
                     It was the draft from the window.

     He turns to her.

                     You said.  This particular guy.

     Now she is beaming.  Excited.  And just above a whisper...

                     Andrew MacDougal.

     Delighted at his stupefied reaction.

                     Why not Houdini?  Or Pretty Boy
                     Floyd?  Maybe Jesus Christ.

                     Because they couldn't do it.

     His slow smile.  This fucking kid.

                     He's been out of the business.
                     For ten years.

                     Maybe not.  No one ever proved,
                     hell, even arrested him, for
                     stealing anything.  But we all
                     know he was numero ichiban for
                     thirty years.  Why not forty?

     She's serious.

                     Why?  Because of the Bozo switch?
                     Guys have been copying his pack-
                     rat signature for decades.  Maybe
                     the thief wanted it to look like

     She doesn't even answer.  Just touches her panel, and one of the
     data screens BLOWS UP to huge size.  It is...

                     A list of his private collection.
                     Complete to three acquisitions
                     last Thursday.

     Names SCROLLING up endlessly, next to titles, descriptions,
     estimated retail and black market values.  Turner, Corot, Thomas
     Coles, DeKooning, Klimt, Cezannes, Odilon Redon, Braques, Mary

                     No Vermeer.  Nothing close.

                     Don't be a putz.  This is his
                     legitimate collection, which he
                     buys.  Presentable for any search
                     warrant surprise party.

     Names keep rolling, Degas, Paul Klee.  Amazing.

                     What he rips off, he fences.  And
                     the money feeds his portfolio of
                     investments, which are daring, savvy,
                     and obscenely succesf...

                     Oh, I get it.  He has no interest
                     in Vermeers, so that proves he stole
                     one.  By that logic, he oughta be a
                     suspect most of the time.

     She shakes her head, sadly.

                     You love to embarrass yourself.

     Touches her panel.  The big screen now shows a grainy VIDEOTAPE

                     The auction.  Where our client
                     bought the painting...

     We see the Great Room of an English Country estate.  Perhaps a
     hundred attend.  Genteel to the max.

                               GIN (O.S.)
                     Ashcroft Hall, Buckinghamshire,
                     four weeks ago.

     The tape PANS five PAINTINGS on the block.  We recognize our
     VERMEER, the city of Delft, the canal, the bridge.  The view PULLS
     BACK to include the crowd, and...

     FREEZES.  One tiny section is circled.  And BLOWS UP twenty feet.
     high, so blurry as to be unrecognizable.  Then, SNAPS to amazing
     resolution.  The image of...

                               GIN (O.S., murmur)
                     Anyone we know?

     ...ANDREW MacDOUGAL, perhaps 60, as charismatic and shamelessly
     virile a face as one can recall.  Etched with character and worldly
     experience, lit by a twinkle behind the razor-keen gaze.  Tall,
     wide shoulders, massive hands.  This guy would be more fun to fuck
     than fight.  By a lot.

                     So he was there.

                     Staking it out.  Why bid, when
                     you can mark the buyer, and jack
                     it within the month?

     She leans WAY back in the molded chair.  Lifts her long legs
     up onto the console.  They end in slender bare feet.  The toes

                     At this moment, he is winging on
                     JAL flight 307 to Narita, ostensibly
                     to attend a prestigious auction at
                     the Hotel Akura, which will include
                     a mixed media collage/oil by Georges
岸观影时2018年10月04日22:11刚刚结束的《中国相声小品》大赛,来自天津的杨仪、杨少华父子为我们奉献了一段相声,作为今晚大赛的压轴戏。正如在相声中杨仪所说,他已经十几年不说相声了。那这些年《相                     Braques, on which he supposedly has
                     his eye.

                     But you know better.

                     Bet your ass.  At Vegas odds.

     Touches the panel.  The big screen now holds three faces, three

                               GIN (O.S.)
                     Research reveals three known fences,
                     still at large, who are believed
                     to have brokered Vermeers to black
                     market buyers.  Sandrine Palmer is
                     hospitalized in Malta with ovarian

     One face and name disappears.  Two remain.  KOICHI NARUHITO.

                     The other two.  Live in Tokyo.

     A tiny, dry, adorable, shrug.  Which says, bingo.

                     And you did all this since 4:30
                     this morning.

     Grinning small at each other.  She can't help that hers is hot.
     She never can.

                               CRUZ (murmur)
                     Plus.  You were polite to a

     One of those moments when his attraction to her is too obvious to
     ignore.  Best to defuse by pretending it's a joke...

                               GIN (soft and playful)
                     Sounds like you're sorry you're
                     already a friend.

     Said as banter between pals.  Which doesn't make her wrong.


     Auction in progress in the huge traditional LOBBY, where bonsai
     trees, paper lanterns and elaborate painted screens counterpoint
     the sleek, international, big-money crowd.  Everyone milling,
     drinking, schmoozing, networking in a babble of languages, as up
     on the raised platform...

     ...the AUCTIONEER has a new piece on the block, a 6th Century
     temple scroll, from the Asuka period.  It is exquisite, and bidding
     seems to be big time, from the rapidly escalating numbers on the
     overhead DIGITAL DISPLAY, which reveals bidding status in thirty
     currencies simultaneously. As we PAN the hall, we see...

     ...all non-Asians either wearing headphones, or acompanied by
     personal translators at their elbow, to follow the rapid-fire

     Except one.

     ANDREW MacDOUGAL stands alone in black tie.  Tall and rugged and
     polished and focused, and, well, pretty gorgeous.  He is bidding on
     the scroll, indicated only by subtle gestures with his program and
     the repeated finger-stabs of the auctioneer in our direction.

                               WOMAN'S VOICE (O.S., subtitled Japanese)
                     Don't do it.

     PULL BACK slightly to reveal Gin, who has stepped to his shoulder.
     She is barely recognizable to us in her satiny slip of a pale
     golden gown that drapes her frame perfectly.  Breathtaking would
     be an insult.

     MacDougal doesn't turn, doesn't seem to even hear her.  Just raises
     his program to up the bid.

                               GIN (softly, subtitled Japanese)
                     You're already over value.  By
                     15 percent.

     And now he turns.  Straight to her eyes.  This is NOT an admiring
     glance at seeing the loveliest woman in the Northern Hemisphere.
     It is a look that says, in the most understated terms, shut up or
     I'll kill you.  She shuts up.

     His glance goes to his obvious bidding RIVAL, a rather butch
     middle-aged Chinese woman in an embroidered version of a Mao suit.
     She indicates her bid by gesturing with a tiny Yorkshire Terrier,
     whom she holds in her stubby hands.  MacDougal raises back.

                               GIN (subtitled Japanese)
                     Will you stop being stubborn
                     for one sec...

     And stops.  Because he has turned.  With the eyes of a lion.  Being
     pulled from an antelope carcass.

                               MAC (quietly, subtitled Japanese)
                     I have a question.

     Rich Scottish voice.  Impeccable Japanese intonation.

                               GIN (brightly, subtitled Japanese)
                     Who the fuck am I?

                               MAC (subtitled Japanese)
                     That is of no interest.

     Oh.  In spite of herself, she looks a little hurt.

                               GIN (subtitled Japanese)
                     What, then?

                               MAC (subtitled Japanese)
                     Why.  Are we speaking.  Japanese?

     Her eyes move across his formidable face.

                     Uh.  I'm showing off.

     His eyes scan the length of her gown.  Her body.

                     Something of a habit?

     She is minus a comeback.

                     You know the alleged value of this
                     piece from some fucking computer,
                     which has no clue of the price I
                     can turn the scroll around for in
                     30 minutes.

     A beat.

                     No, you can't.

     He blinks.  No?

                               GIN (really sorry)
                     It's sold.

     His great head WHIPS around to see Madame Mao KISSING her pooch,
     flushed with victory.  He stares for a long moment, a veneer of
     philosophical almost masking his rage.  When he turns back...

                     Are you a confederate of my
                     adversaries?  Or are you just

     And walks.  Away.

     HOLD on her.  Feeling like both.


     Mac among the guests awaiting their cars, standing slightly apart.
     From behind him...

     ...a feminine throat clears.  Nervously.  He closes his eyes for a
     beat.  Then, turns.

                               GIN (softly)
                     How about.  If I try humility.

     And presents a business card to him with both hands, Japanese-
     style.  Mac looks in her eyes.  Takes the card with both hands.

                     Virginia Romay...

                     Gin, actually, Gin Romay.  I
                     was named after a card game.

                     Or a cheap cocktail.

     She blinks.  His brows raise...

                               MAC (softly)
                     As in.  I'll have a Gin Romay,
                     please.  With a twist.

     That laser, unsmiling stare.  Beyond sexy.  She gets lost in it for
     a beat.

                     You're supposed to be charming.

                     I'm supposed to be selective.

     Glances back to her card.  Reads...

                     Art and Antiquities Acquisition
                     Advisor, how alliterative...

     Looks up.  Still no smile.

                     And am I the antiquity?

                     In mint condition.

     She sighs.  Achingly lovely.

                     Look, I've studied you, I know...
                     pretty much...everything.

     Do you.

                     Made your first millions selling
                     scrap metal.  Then, gold mining
                     concessions, gems, art, and lately
                     strategic metals for new technologies
                     - platinum, zirconium, titanium...




发布:明星小品助手 时间:2024/5/6 23:52:08
发布:明星小品助手 时间:2024/4/28 7:54:16




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