
欧布莱恩建议台湾全民学会使用AK47步枪以吓阻中国入侵  1 个月前更新

美国白宫前国安顾问、全球台湾研究中心「美台关系工作小组」主席欧布莱恩(Amb. Robert O'Brien)24日在台北的离台记者会上表示,台湾应该教全民使用...

美政客竟要台“百万人持AK-47”,台媒:等于以台2300万人身家献祭  1 个月前更新


奥布莱恩鼓噪“百万台湾人持AK-47步枪”,恶人恶言难为“疑美”论消毒  1 个月前更新


Pair allegedly used 'AK-47-style' gun in Alton robbery  3 小时前更新

Two Alton residents have been indicted on armed robbery charges, and one faces additional drug-related charges.

Man arrested after firing off AK-47 near ice cream shop in Lake County  2 天前更新

An AK-47 toting man was arrested after firing shots off behind an ice cream shop in Perry Township Wednesday, according to the Lake County...

Burhan fought back with AK-47 when RSF forces stormed his residence, bodyguard says  3 天前更新

When conflict flared in Khartoum almost a month ago, pitting Sudan's armed forces and their heavy weaponry against a paramilitary force born...

Sheriff: Man with AK-47 rifle arrested in Perry Township  1 天前更新

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Australian man arrested over AK-47-shaped bong  1 个月前更新

Australian police have charged a man who was seen allegedly carrying what seemed to be an AK-47 assault rifle – but which turned out to have...

Remuera gun case: Patched Mongols member Brandon Tangi sentenced for AK-47 bust  4 天前更新

A patched Mongols gang member who was arrested in an affluent Auckland suburb after police found an AK-47 and two large magazines underneath...

Police arrest two suspects in Delta, recover AK-47 rifle  3 天前更新

The police command in Delta has arrested two suspects and recovered live AK-47 ammunition. Bright Edafe, the command spokesperson,...







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