Ivan Rogers动态新闻_Ivan Rogers演出行程

In Loving Memory of Ivan Rogers: 1942-2023 | The Daily Chronicle  2023年3月10日更新

His family relocated to Washington state when he was a young boy. He spent his childhood hunting, fishing and played school sports. Ivan...

Brexit: UK's EU ambassador Ivan Rogers resigns  2022年8月11日更新

By Martin Banks. Martin Banks is a senior reporter at the Parliament Magazine. 04 Jan 2017. The UK government spokesman said, "Sir Ivan has taken this...

Why even the Brexiteers are in despair over Brexit  2022年6月22日更新

For Leavers Boris Johnson is failing to use his withdrawal agreement to create the small-state, low-tax nirvana they want.

‘Narcissistic’ UK politics putting EU relations at risk, says former British envoy  2022年6月9日更新

Ivan Rogers says plan by 'dishonest' government to override Northern Ireland protocol may cause trade war.

Good Neighbours? The UK & Europe after Brexit  2022年9月22日更新

A full day conference focusing on how the UK has repositioned itself in Europe and the world since it left the EU on 31 January 2020.

Former UK ambassador Ivan Rogers: Brexit 'crisis' may need public inquiry  2019年3月5日更新

Brexit is turning into a fully-fledged crisis which may need a public inquiry, the UK's former ambassador to the EU, Ivan Rogers, told BI.

Coles carbon neutral beef range launches in WA  3 周前更新

Twelve months after Coles launched its own brand certified carbon neutral beef, the range is now available nationally, with Western...

Future of the euro area: navigating uncertainty  2022年10月5日更新

The rapidly changing post-Covid-19 economic landscape has shown that European economies need to show resilience and flexibility in...

Inside the Deal: How the EU got Brexit done - Stefaan De Rynck  2023年2月2日更新

A new book tells the inside story of Brexit as seen from Brussels. It does not make happy reading for Britain's political class.

Ivan Rogers on Brexit: "What Surprises Me Is the Extent of the Mess"  2019年3月1日更新

As the UK ambassador to the European Union, Ivan Rogers had a front-row seat as Brexit negotiations got underway. In an interview, he speaks...

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