Kamila Andini动态新闻_Kamila Andini演出行程

印尼女导演成台北电影节焦点人  2022年5月13日更新

印尼导演卡蜜拉安迪尼(Kamila ANDINI)在今年的台北电影节中成为第三位焦点影人,将放映包括她两部国际获奖不断的新片《第三次求婚》(Yuni)和《娜...

【影评】《第三次求婚》:以三次诵诗为径、三次求婚逼退,从困惑至厘清以致追索自由的历程  2023年2月19日更新

文:谢承璇. 回顾去(2022)年甫以《娜娜:逝水年华》入围柏林影展金熊奖的印尼导演卡蜜拉安迪尼(Kamila Andini)的第三部长片《第三次求婚》。

IT Filmmaker of the Year: A Love Language from Kamila Andini  2021年12月15日更新

Award-winning director Kamila Andini shares the story of her most recent work, the internationally co-produced drama YUNI.

How one woman is reworking the script of Indonesian cinema  2018年8月5日更新

The daughter of Garin Nugroho, one of the nation's most respected filmmakers, is not only putting Balinese movies on the map – she's...

上流妇人、丈夫外遇 印尼知名女导演首进柏林影展竞赛  2022年2月22日更新

第72届柏林国际影展不畏欧洲疫情影响,回归实体活动盛大举行,其中这次东南亚以印尼年轻女导演卡蜜拉安迪尼(Kamila Andini)为代表,带着新作「娜...

Netflix unveils Indonesian slate led by Timo Tjahjanto, Kamila Andini, Joko Anwar projects  2022年9月2日更新

Netflix has announced its most ambitious slate of upcoming Indonesian films and series from local directors including Timo Tjahjanto, Kamila...

Interview With Kamila Andini: We, Women, Often Don't Have a Sense of Ownership Even of Ourselves  2022年12月9日更新

About Yuni and Nana, women in film and society, LGBTQ+, Indonesia and its culture, Wong Kar Wai and other topics. Kamila Andini is an...

Indonesian Filmmaker Kamila Andini Talks Berlinale Prize-Winner ‘Before, Now & Then’ (‘Nana’)  2022年8月27日更新

With a string of festival prizes for her four films, 36-year old writer-director Kamila Andini has established herself as a key Indonesian...

Netflix Unveils Busy Indonesian Slate With Projects From Timo Tjahjanto, Joko Anwar And Kamila Andini  2022年9月1日更新

Netflix has announced its biggest slate of Indonesian projects to date, with new titles from Timo Tjahjanto, Joko Anwar and Kamila Andini.

Review: Yuni  2021年9月17日更新

17/09/2021 - Indonesia's Kamila Andini delivers a beautiful and sensitive work, telling a harmonious and bittersweet story about a young...

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