

中国医疗医药协会会员,祖传中医世家出身,1989年毕业于北京中医药大学,师从国家中医药管理局办公室主任王凤岐教授门下,本人勤奋努力,精研经典,博览众家医案,尽得精妙。擅长中医肿瘤科、内科、妇科等临床研究与治疗。尤其对内科杂证及急、慢性肝胆病、胃病,半身不遂、风湿类风湿、骨质增生、颈椎病、腰椎间盘突出症,肥胖证,结石,子宫肌瘤等有特到治疗之处。并发明“肿瘤疼痛液”“潘氏乙肝汤”“子宫肌瘤散”“骨质增生散”等疗效特别。荣获“中华名医” 及“中国中医药特效疗法百佳名医”光荣称号。中医中药中国行中医全科医师骨干班优秀班长,中国中医药特效疗法学术贡献奖,同时发表优秀论文十余篇,多次荣获“优秀论文证书奖”;多年来,本人根据祖国医学辩证施治为纪纲,以纯中草药组方,为一大批久治不愈的患者排除疾病,得到各界认可与好评。


Lao Pan: Pan Cai bold ﹙1965-﹚, the male ﹙Han Nationality﹚, the Zhejiang Province Sanmen County bead Gully auspicious in new village person, the traditional Chinese doctor, the Chinese Medical service Medicine Association member, the inherited Chinese medicine aristocratic family family background, in 1989 graduated from Beijing Chinese medicine University, the teacher from National Chinese medicine Administrative bureau chief of office Professor Wang Fengqi the hanger-on, myself diligent endeavor, researched in thorough detail the classics, read extensively the numerous family medical notes, exquisitely. Excels at the Chinese medicine tumor branch, the internal medicine department, the gynecology department and so on clinical research and the treatment. Especially to internal medicine department mixed card and anxious, chronic courage sickness, gastric disease, is paralyzed, rheumatism class rheumatism, the ossein proliferation, cervical vertebra sickness, the waist intervertebral disc prominently sickness, the obese card, the stone, the fibroid and so on has arrives at place of especially the treatment. And invents “the tumor ache fluid” “the Pan hepatitis B soup” “the fibroid to disperse” “the ossein proliferation to disperse” and so on curative effects to be special. Has the honor to receive “the Chinese famous doctor” and “the Chinese medicine special treatment Bojia famous doctor” the title of honor. Chinese medicine traditional Chinese medicine China good Chinese medicine entire section doctor backbone class outstanding class leader, the Chinese medicine special treatment academic contribution award, simultaneously publishes outstanding paper ten, has the honor to receive “the outstanding paper certificate prize” many times; For many years, myself have acted according to the motherland medicine to treat dialectically for the law, take the pure Chinese medicine group side, as a large quantities of long treatment patient removes illness sickness, obtains the approval and the high praise from all walks of life.









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