1. Fen Xu, Wenfeng Liang, Optimal estimation of the central normal of a heliostat using UKF, the 11th Intl. Conf. on automation, robotics, control and vision (ICARCV2010), Dec.7-10, Singapore, 2010;(EI)
2. Fen Xu, Ming Gao, Human detection and tracking based on HOG and particle filter, the 3rd Intl. Congress on Image and Signal Processing, Oct. 16-18, Yantai, China, 2010; (EI)。
3. 许芬,塔式太阳能定日镜聚光成像建模及仿真,太阳能学报,ISSN0254-0096,2010,21(10);(EI,中文核心,一级学会学报)。
4. Xu Fen, Li Jie, Human detection based on a DSP platform, IEEE International conference on electrical information & control engineering 2010, Wuhan, June 25-27, p335-339 ;(EI)。
5. Xu Fen, Gao Ming, Pedestrian tracking using particle filter algorithm, IEEE International conference on electrical information & control engineering 2010, Wuhan, June 25-27, p1478-1482 ;(EI)。
6. 高明,许芬,基于HOG的行人目标检测,仪器仪表学报,ISSN 0254-3087,2009年, Vol.30, No.6,增刊I, p829-832。
7. 许芬,咸宝金,李正熙,基于产生式规则的多传感器融合方法及移动机器人避障,电子测量与仪器学报,2009.10;(中文核心,一级学会学报)。
8. F. Xu, Y.S. Wong and H.T. Loh, "Towards generic models for comparative evaluation and process selection in rapid prototyping & manufacturing technology", Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 19, No. 5, 2000, pp. 283-296。
9. F. Xu, Y.S. Wong and H.T. Loh, "A knowledge-based decision-support system for RP&M process selection", Proceeding of the 10th Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, University of Texas at Austin, TA, United States, Aug. 9-11, 1999. 5。
10. F. Xu, H.T. Loh and Y.S. Wong, "Considerations and selection of optimal orientation for different RP&M processes", Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol.5, No.2, 1999, pp54-60。
11. F. Xu, Y.S. Wong and H.T. Loh, "A proposed framework for rapid prototyping & manufacturing system selector", Proceedings of 8th International Manufacturing Conference with China (IMCC'98), Singapore, May 12-12, 1998, pp82-88。
12. F. Xu, Y.S. Wong, H.T. Loh, J.Y.H. Fuh and T. Miyazawa, "Optimal orientation with variable slicing in stereolithography". Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol.3, No. 3, 1997, pp76-88。
导师信息(许芬) .北方工业大学研究生部.2011[引用日期2012-11-19]